Education in Faith

Eucharist 2023
Last Sunday was a truly beautiful celebration with First Eucharist taking place for a number of our Year Four students. We pray for and congratulate each of them!
The Mass itself was a beautiful celebration and time to reflect. The Gospel was the famous story of Jesus telling Peter he would build his church upon him. Our students very quickly understood that this did not mean placing bricks on poor Peter's back! They were able to discuss the concept of Church meaning community, growth, prayer and learning. What a fitting reading for a day where our own Church gathered together and showed all of these things and more!
Each of our Eucharist candidates learnt thoroughly about this Sacrament and others. They were able to discuss the links to the Last Supper, as well as reflect on how Christ is with us in the Eucharist empowering us to lead the way in showing love and care.
We would like to once again congratulate these students, but also their families who supported them beautifully. As did their peers at school, including Dion, Chloe and Flora who attended Mass for a special blessing, which was also a stunning part of the day.
We could not have run this program without Father Leenus who held a beautiful Mass with Monsignor Diamond, but who also gave up his time to speak both at school and at our Family Faith Night. We are blessed to have such a wonderful man leading our Parish.
Finally we again thank Veronica Blair, the Parish coordinator of Music and Catechesis, who was an absolutely integral part of our Sacrament. Veronica not only helped students practice songs for the Mass, but repeatedly gave up her time to attend practices, encouraged and supported all of the students and even helped keep the teachers organised which some might say is one of the toughest jobs in running a Sacrament! We are so grateful for Veronica's kindness.
We look forward to celebrating the sacrament of confirmation later this year.
Fathers' Day
We appreciate the beauty that is the uniqueness of every family! We know that on Sunday there will be many different fathers and special people celebrated. We hope that this day can be one of joy.
Take care,
Tim O'Mahoney
Education in Faith Leader