Principal's Piece 

God's Love and Care for All

Term 3, Week 8


Dear Parents/Carers,


We have had a couple of early starts this week with our annual Father's Day Breakfasts on Tuesday and Wednesday morning. Many excited students shared breakfast with their dads, granddads and other significant males in their lives. After breakfast, dads were invited to visit their children’s classroom and the book fair. It was great to see dads take time out of their busy lives, to attend the breakfast with their children.The smiles on the children’s faces said it all! The theme of the morning was ‘dad’s are special’ and to not only celebrate the fathers in our lives but also to reflect on the essence of fatherhood, drawing on the inspiration from the life example of St Joseph. St Joseph, often referred to as the foster father of Jesus, has many qualities that make fathers truly exceptional. He was a man of humility, courage, devotion and his life offers us valuable insights into the role fathers play in our own lives. Students were given the opportunity to tell their dads why they are so special.  


Year 4 Camp: Our Year 4 students and teachers had a fantastic time at Lyrebird Park. The highlight was the night walk. It was great to see the students participating in lots of  activities and building relationships with eachother. 

Next Wednesday we will be acknowledging National Pyjama Day where students can come to school in their pyjamas or sports uniform to show their support and raise awareness for children in foster care.  For further information please check the Student Voice page. 


Feast Day Celebrations: The fun continues next week on Friday when we celebrate Feast Day. We commence the day with a whole school celebration in the Church followed by activities throughout the day. Students will be grouped in their House Teams so make sure you wear your coloured sports top and sports uniform. Lunch will also be provided, so your child will only be required to bring a snack for recess. 


Pupil free Day - On Monday 11th September our teachers become students as we continue our learning journey around the Science of Learning. Dr Lorraine Hammond and her team from Shaping Minds will be sharing their knowledge and implementation of high-impact teaching strategies. 



Next week we say farewell to our school psychologist Melissa Laing who will be going on Maternity Leave. We wish Melissa and Ben all the best as they get ready for the arrival of their baby. Enjoy the precious gift of parenthood. We thank Melissa for the support she has provided our students, teachers and families over the last 6 years. 







We also Farewell Mrs Stylianou who is expecting her third child. We wish Dimitra, Con, George and Constantine all the best as they get ready to welcome their baby daughter/sister. We also thank Mrs Stylianou for all her dedication, care and guidance she has provided our students and her dedication to our school community. May the time with your growing family be filled with love, treasured moments and joy. 



School Improvement Surveys (MACSSIS): 

Just a reminder to families to complete the MACSSIS parent survey. This feedback provides us with valuable information about our school. We thank parents in advance for taking the time to provide us with this feedback.  Survey closes on Friday 15th September. 




Finally, wishing all of our dads a special Father’s day on Sunday and we recognise the very important role you have in the lives of children. 


Take care and enjoy the Spring weather this weekend.


Cinzia Mancuso

Acting Principal