
HSC Major Works Exhibition
This evening’s HSC Major Works Exhibition is the culmination of months of dedicated hard work by many young men of the Class of 2023.
The Exhibition showcases works from Visual Arts and Technological and Applied Studies. The Exhibition is an acknowledgement and celebration of sustained effort and the acquisition of knowledge and skills, over many months, required to undertake a major work for the HSC.
Each work must demonstrate a conscious and purposeful style that has been individually developed and refined to demonstrate integrity and craftmanship.
I’m sure as parents/carers, friends and teachers walk through the exhibition, they will be duly impressed and feel a great sense of pride.
I wish all the young men exhibiting their major works a rewarding evening and much success in the HSC.
Year 9 Examinations and Year 11-2025 Subject Selection
Year 9 will commence yearly examinations on Monday 16 October and conclude Friday 20 October. The examination timetable will be available on the Year 9 CANVAS page before the end of this term. The assessments will all be written examinations.
The results of these examinations, along with next year’s Year 10 assessments during the first semester for this cohort, will provide performance data to inform subject selection recommendations for Year 11 in 2025.
The students will also undertake external diagnostic academic testing by Academic Assessment Services (AAS) next year to further support and enhance the College’s recommendations.
Further information regarding examinations, diagnostic testing, and subject selection for Year 11 in 2025 for the current Year 9 cohort will occur in due course in a timely and sequential manner.
It is hoped that this advance notice will inform Year 9 parents/carers and their sons of the importance to prepare well for the Year 9 examinations as their results, particularly in English, Mathematics and Science, will contribute to the College’s recommendations.
Michael Cutrupi
Director of Curriculum
“Make or Brake”
Our students studying TAS courses continue to be creative and adventurous. The opening of the Scientia Building with its beautiful new kitchens has seen boys from Year 7, Year 9, and Year 11 all try their hands at creating culinary magic. I used to enjoy a TV show called Kitchen Stadium. I am sure we will soon see this sort of competition within the ranks of our SPC Chefs.
Our senior Design and Technology students, under the tutelage of Mr Fontana, have created an array of wonderful inventions and potentially life-saving products. The solar powered go kart looks very exciting. Other Year 12 students have worked on inventions to save people and property during times of natural disasters. The ‘Emergency Bus’ and the ‘Emergency Shelter’ are both designed to offer solace to those affected by natural distasters such as bushfires and floods. One student even postulated that raising properties off the ground using hydraulic lifting mechanisms could prevent loss during flood.
Our Construction students recently completed a large concrete pour in the Construction yard where we hope to add some much-needed storage space for a course that is growing in popularity. A big thank you to Daniel Mastroianni and Joseph Hanna for all their wonderful support of our Construction students. Our Industrial Technology Timber students have also produced some striking pieces in 2023. The boardroom table, the back-lit cabinet, the waterfall desk just to name a few. But I will not spoil it for you. I know you will all be at the display night tonight to see them for yourselves.
Andrew Viney
Head of TAS