
Safe on Social - Webinar Monday 4 September
I recently received communication from our contacts at ‘Safe on Social’ regarding an upcoming webinar for parents, carers and teachers on the topic of sextortion. Unfortunately, the prevalence of this concerning issue is widespread and regularly highlighted in the media. The aim of the presentation is to provide greater knowledge and understanding to parents, carers and teachers, and ultimately our young men on how to avoid or be the victim of this act.
If you are interested in participating in the online event, please purchase tickets via: Sextortion - What Parents and Teachers need to know now. | Safe on Social
As recommended in the past, parents/carers are encouraged to be checking the camera roll/videos/deleted items folder/private folder on their son/s phones and laptops. This also extends to social media platforms. Experience has taught me that despite education at both home and at school, our young men are still prone to make ‘poor choices’ in accepting and storing material that is questionable or inappropriate.
With Spring just a few days away and the temperature rising, a quick reminder that it is still an expectation that the College coat/blazer be worn when students are travelling both to and from the College.
It is also timely for boys to have their shoes cleaned and polished as well. Despite the classic line in the 1990’s film The Shawshank Redemption “I mean, seriously, how often do you really look at a man's shoes?” the reality is that members of the public do take notice of how students are dressed and having a clean, polished pair of shoes reflects a sense of pride in both yourself, and your school.
Robert Simpson
Director of Wellbeing