Parents and Friends

Trivia Night Raffle
Thank you also to everyone who has donated prizes for our Trivia Night Raffle. Your generosity has been overwhelming. A full list of prizes will be available shortly. We will still be accepting donations up until Friday 1 September.
If you have not bought a ticket for the School Fee Raffle, you still have time to purchase via the link below.
Father’s Day Breakfast/Morning Tea
A reminder that Father’s Day Breakfast/Morning Tea this year will be served at the Scientia Building commencing at 8:30 AM sharp and concluding at 10:00 AM.
We are holding the event in between the two scheduled Father’s Day Masses this year. Fathers attending at 8:30 AM can make their way to the Scientia Building after mass and fathers attending at 9:30 AM can come to breakfast/morning tea prior to their mass.
On behalf of the Parents’ and Friends’ Association, we would like to wish all our fathers, grandfathers, and carers a Happy Father’s Day on Sunday.
Parents' and Friends' Committee