Co-curricular - Junior Sport

As we head deep into the final weeks of Term 3, we all get a chance to take a deep breath while sport in the Junior School reaches its Winter hiatus. The break affords one and all to rest, recover and prepare for the return of the Summer season. While training, games and carnivals have stopped until Term 4, there is still much to do.
All classrooms now have the Junior School sport photos schedule up. Boys should be taking note in their diary of their photo time(s). Checking in with your son on his times for photos would be a good reminder for the preparation that they require before the photos are taken.
For photos on Tuesday 12 September:
- Boys will come to school dressed in their Supporter’s uniform and tracksuit if it is cold.
- Boys will bring their playing uniforms (gear worn on Saturday for games) in their sports bag.
- Boys will change at school at the beginning of the day for their first photo.
- At the end of the day all boys will be back in their Supporter’s uniform to return home.
- Mouthguards, shinpads or head gear are not required for photos.
- Boots should be worn for Rugby, Football and AFL photos.
- All boys involved in Junior School Squads this year (swimming, cross country, and athletics) will have their photos taken in College tracksuit pants and the black Supporter’s polos.
- Any student involved in representative sides, either IPSHA NSWCIS or NSW sides will also need to bring their representative uniform for photos in addition to their College playing uniforms.
I look forward to seeing all the boys joining in with their team-mates for the sport photos.
Last week, Xavier Khoury, William Malone and Ryan Wall represented NSW CIS in the NSW Primary Schools Sports Association Rugby Union Carnival. The CIS team began their campaign with a strong win over Western, followed by two close encounters with Sydney East and Hunter. CIS progressed to the semifinals where they had a convincing
win over Polding, with Xavier starring in this match scoring four tries. This win saw the CIS team meet Sydney North in the Grand Final in what was a tough match. Sydney North took an early lead, 19-5, however CIS, under the strong leadership of Will Malone, fought back for a 19-All draw to be announced as joint premiers. Xavier, Will and Ryan capped off a brilliant carnival by all gaining selection in the NSW PSSA Merit teams.
Over the weekend, Dante Barbanera of Year 6 competed in the Australian Jiu Jitsu Championships in Melbourne. After a very challenging day, Dante emerged victorious and took home another National win. This is the third National title for Dante, a great reward for his effort and commitment.
The draft draws will soon be available on SPC App for Term 4 Summer sport. Please remember that these are just drafts and subject to change. There are likely changes to start times for Basketball and venues for Cricket as we enter the term, so please use the fixtures tag to keep up to date with the weekly changes. The training schedule will be made available once it has been finalised.
John Locke
Junior School Coordinator of Co-Curricular