Co-curricular - Senior Sport

From the Head of Sport 30 August
Recently I have been fielding an unordinary number of emails from parents, carers and students seeking answers or clarification regarding the conclusion of the Winter season and more so, questions regarding Summer sport sign-ups.
One of the life skills we always try to teach the boys is taking responsibility and being proactive in knowing the details of their personal schedule. While I appreciate people taking the time to write to me I find it disappointing that some are stating they are “unaware” or have “missed” important sports notices.
Each week I take time to inform the community of sporting news and information here via the Especean, our formal College newsletter. There are also Daily Announcements for the boys to read during homeroom through the official College communication system (TASS) and messages placed on the SPC App under each sporting activity when/where applicable.
May I please ask that we all refer to these forms of College communication to seek information regarding sport matters. From time to time an email may be sent to all parents/carers and boys, however this is generally followed up with a message placed on the SPC App. Please note that WhatsApp chats should not be referred to for an accurate source of information/communication regarding sport or other College events.
Last week, Summer Sport Trial Schedules for Baseball, Basketball, Cricket and Touch Football were published via the SPC App and Daily Notices in TASS. I ask that all students trialling for a Summer sport, be aware of their respective trial details. Should a student miss a trial session a parent/carer is to provide an explanation by 9:00 AM the following day. Should no adequate explanation be received, it may be assumed that your son is not committed to their chosen sport and may be overlooked for a selection in a team.
Should you require any further information or have general questions please contact the relevant MIC in the first instance:
Sport | MIC |
Baseball | Mrs Felicity Warsop |
Basketball | Ms Constance Apostolou |
Cricket | Mr David Dunne |
Golf | Mr Andrew Viney |
Swimming | Mr Andrew Brennan |
(NB – Touch Football inquiries may be directed to me
The College wishes to congratulate Vincent Pappalardo (Year 8) and Anthony del Popolo (Year 10) who both represented NSW at the Schools Sports Australia Diving Championships last week. They did very extremely well in a tough competition.
Anthony’s results:
- Gold for 15-16 Years Boys and Mixed Synchronised
- Bronze for 16 Years Boys Springboard
- Bronze for 16 years Boys Knockout
Vincent’s results:
- Silver for 13 years Boys Springboard
- Silver for 13 years Boys Knockout
- Silver for 13-14 Years Boys and Mixed Synchronised
- Bronze for 13-14 years Boys Platform
I also wish to acknowledge Dylan Parks (Year 12) who is in Bern, Switzerland having recently competed in the IFSC World Youth Bouldering and Lead Championships. Representing Australia in this biannual event, Dylan did amazingly well, progressing to the semi finals where he would place a respectable 7th and narrowly missing out on the final in the U 18’s category.
Anthony Calavassy
Head of Secondary Sport