Music News

Congratulations to all the Houses for their incredible efforts at House Music last Friday, and of course congratulations to Purple House for their back-to-back win!
Thanks to all music students and staff who assisted with set up and pack up, and to all who helped the performers to get ready for the big event. Thanks to Darren and Vincent for their help behind the scenes, our illustrious judges Riley, Emma and Matt, and to Lee from Wise Audio for his expert assistance with sound on the day.
Thanks to the Year 1 VET class, who produced some fabulous promotional material for our House Music Comp, and who assisted with stage management, bump in and out and sound production during the event.
Year 1 and 2 Students are busy rehearsing for their next gig at Oxygen performance space on Monday October 11th, from 6pm. Come along to hear and see some great musicians performing in a fabulous venue!
VET bands are performing at Gold House’s RUOK Colour Run fundraiser, on the 13th September.
Please see Ms Humphrey in the band room if you would like a free ticket to this all- ages event.
BHS Year 1 VET Band HAZELL will be performing at the event, so bring some friends and come along to support them!
The people’s choice and judges’ choice will both win a paid spot at the Freeza Headliner gig at Queenscliff Town Hall on 22nd of October. Rat Hammock and Hollie Joyce will be headlining this gig.
Ensemble Program Hire
We ask that Year 7 students who are continuing with the program in Year 8 purchase their own instrument if at all possible. This allows us to offer incoming Year 7 students the opportunity to learn an instrument. For advice on the best instrument to buy, please contact your instrumental teacher, who can suggest the best purchase for your child. Students learning larger or more expensive instruments such as double reeds, Tubas/French Horns etc, are welcome to continue hiring.
Re Enrolment forms for the 2024 Ensemble Program and for Private music lessons in 2024, are on Compass, under the Community TAB- School Documentation:
If your child is intending to continue in the program in 2024, Please return these forms early in Term 4, to assist us with our planning for ensembles next year, and so that we have an accurate idea of instruments available for new applicants 😊
Information about our Year 6 music transition program has been sent out to Year 6 students who have enrolled at BHS for 2024. This program, unique to BHS, offers Year 6 students a chance to try an instrument. It also offers them an opportunity to build a supportive network of friends and teachers, before they start school the following year. Students receive 6 weeks of lessons on their chosen instrument, and finish the program with a Year 6 concert for family and friends in the BHS PAC.
Applications for the program are due back to the BHS general office, or via email, to by September 14th (last week of Term 3).
The program commences in Week 4 of Term 4.
Our Music Support group held a meeting last night to organise helpers for our Spring Concert. If you couldn’t get to the meeting but would like to help out, please email and leave your name and phone number.