
Year 9 Work Experience - Change of Process

In previous years there has been a set week for Year 9 Work Experience which was the first full week in December. That arrangement has been discontinued as of this year however students who have turned fifteen can undertake a placement at any time.


The forms are available at all times in hard copy from outside the Careers Office. You will find the Work Arrangement form and the Travel/Accommodation form ( if required ) 


They are also available online at​. Select the link "Workplace Learning" then "Required documents


This will also be the case for Year 10 and beyond where students are still highly encouraged to seek a relevant placement . As always there is support and advice available for students seeking a placement. Students can visit the careers office a recess or lunchtime. If not staffed then they can leave a message on the board or email me at

ROSS PRINGLE, Careers Coordinator