Principal's Report

Principal's Message
2024 School Captains
Congratulations to our 2024 Boambee Public School captains:
- Attila Sullivan
- Sebastian Wiseman
- Thomas Edmonds
- Summer Barden
- Isabelle Bathgate
- Bronte Nightingale.
A fantastic group of young leaders!
Well done to all of the students who applied for captaincy this year, there were 21 applicants who presented speeches to apply and they were all amazing.
Kindy Go Day!
On Thursday this week 57 of our 2024 kindy students completed their first half day. Our Year 4 and 5 buddies did a wonderful job supporting our new students, as a result they were so confident, and they had a blast!
A warm welcome to all of our new Boambee Public School families. Thank you to Emily Hollman for your fantastic organisation. This success is a result of a transition program that is recognised at a state level as a model of best practice. Many of these students are visiting us for the 7th time and by the time they start next year they will well and truly already be a part of the Boambee Public School team!
Boambee Public School Mountain Biking Program
Our Year 5 students had their first ride at the Cows With Guns mountain bike track on Friday for Stage 3 sport. Despite the weather we were able to get a ride in. A few exciting spills and lots of smiles! Thank you to Paul Humphrey at Toormina High School for the use of your bus and thanks to Mr Moore and Mr Pike for your mountain biking instruction. Looking forward to the next few weeks at Cows With Guns.
Thanks also to Bob Wallis Cycles for your ongoing commitment to supporting Boambee Public School with service that goes above and beyond. Boambee Public School provides the best educational experiences in partnership with our community!
Toormina High School Leadership
We had the pleasure of welcoming our High School partners at assembly last week. Toormina High School principal Paul Humphrey and science teacher Tas Alam joined us to thank the THS student leadership team.
Year 12 THS Leaders have been integral in helping Science teacher Tasanee Alam present fun experiments to the Boambee Public School Year 4 transition students in science practical lessons held this term.
Grandparent's Day
What a pleasure it was to welcome our grandparents and family members at Boambee Public School on Friday last week. We are all so grateful to our grandparents for the love you give and they way you care. There was so much pride in the air on Friday - a joy to be a part of.
2024 Classes
We are working hard to finalise class lists for 2024 by the end of this week. We expect to announce classes and teachers by November 27 which is the start of Week 9.
Principal Awards
Congratulations to the following students who received a Principal Award at Friday's assembly:
Callum Humphrys - 3P
Reflecting the school values at all times.
Zoe Gosewisch - 1L
Fantastic growth in imaginative writing.
Gideon McKay -1D
For excellent classroom citizenship skills. He works diligently, he listens attentively and he displays cooperative skills with his peers.
Arlo Hopwood - 2/3RM
A positive attitude and improved confidence.
Charlie Baldwin - 3P
For being such a respectful student.
Olivia Clayton - 2H
Applying a persistent attitude to all learning tasks.
Mikkila Eggins - 5M
Consistently being a positive role model throughout learning.
Freddie Graves - KH
Freddie consistently strives to give his best efforts across all key learning areas.
Lennon Shipman - KH
Being a resilient learner. She approaches challenging concepts with a positive and eager attitude.
Liam Arnold - 3P
Caring for others and reflecting the school values.
Shelby Eade - 3N
Always having a go at new challenges with a positive attitude.
Ky Banks - 3N
Outstanding work in all areas of Mathematics.
Ryan Croghan - 3N
Challenging himself to achieve higher learning goals.
Cohen McIlveen - 3N
Being an engaged, motivated, and active learner at all times.
Mia Booth - 3N
Being a positive role model for her peers.
Livvi Lawrence - 3N
Being respectful and an active learner at all time.
Laila Plummer - 3N
Always being an enthusiastic, active learner in class.
Delilah McKay - 3N
Always being an active learning in class in all key learning areas.
Ava Phillips - 3N
Being an outstanding role model for her peers.
Willow Johnson-Moore - 3N
Being an outstanding role model for her peers.
Willow Nolan - 2B
Being a respectful and inclusive student.
Finn Darrington - 2B
Outstanding achievement in reading.
Estelle Baechtold - 6G
Outstanding efforts with home learning.
Declaration for Child Related Work
It is a Child Protection requirement that the school gets all volunteers to complete the attached form. If you volunteer at the school, please either print the applicable form below or call into the office for a hard copy. Your assistance with this very important matter is greatly appreciated.