Parents & Citizens 


Supporting our Children

P&C Meetings

The P&C usually meet on the first Monday of each month from 5.30 pm at the school. Everyone is welcome to come along!

Presentation Day BBQ


Return & Earn Donation Opportunity



Our canteen operates each Thursday. We ask that students bring in their lunch order on the day in a clearly marked bag with the correct money enclosed.  Our menu is as follows:


Pies                        $3.00

Sausage Rolls     $3.00  -  Limited stock for weeks 9 & 10

4 X Nuggets        $3.00

Pizza singles       $3.00

Macaroni & Cheese $3.00


Flavoured Milk   $2.00

Popper                 $1.50

Ice creams          $1.50  - Limited stock for weeks 9 & 10

Ice block              $1.00


We are always seeking volunteers even if only one day per term so if you are able to spare some time, approximately 1 hr to assist with canteen please contact Erica via details below.


Uniforms - Rose 0438 828 247

Canteen - Erica 0422 054 475 



P&C Secretary