Principal's Report 

Zoe Harlow











Our school is abuzz with the excitement of end of year activities and teachers are enjoying the lovely relationships they have created with their classes.  Students have completed their final assessments and our teaching team have been working hard, finalising report cards and planning for next year.   


We are very proud of the efforts and accomplishments of our students and commend them on showing 'The Tally Way'!  Report cards will be distributed on Wednesday, 6 December and we encourage parents and caregivers to take this opportunity to speak with their children about their dedication and learning. 



Staffing Update 


We are pleased to welcome Belinda Walton, Connor Hutchinson, David King, Luke Ireland, Nissa Ham and Tyler Smith as part of our permanent teaching team next year.  We will sadly be farewelling Debbie Healey and Laura Glancy and wish them all the very best at their new schools.  Our loss, is definitely their gain. 



Student Leaders 


Congratulations to the following students who have been selected as student leaders for 2024: 

They are an impressive group of young people and it will be my privilege and pleasure to work with them in their new roles next year.  Our new student leadership structure will provide greater responsibility for our school captains and vice captains, as they will listen to the student groups they represent and contribute as members of our student council. 



Tally Way Day  


Tally Way Day is one of our signature events and an opportunity for students to apply their learning about 'The Tally Way' during enjoyable activities and to reflect on their wonderful year.  Tally Way Day is the second last day of term (Thursday, 7/12/23) and our P&C will provide pizza and a chocolate for students thanks to the generosity of our Prosperity Partner sponsors.  Dietary requirements will be catered for.   


Thank you in advance to our P&C, Prosperity Partners and volunteers for their support making the free pizza party possible! 





It may be school shoe shopping time again soon.  Please remember that our uniform requirement is that shoes are completely black.  White or coloured soles, trim and/or laces and boots are not the uniform.  We love seeing our students looking like a fabulous team, well-presented in our uniform and thank families for supporting that. 



Building Work 


Building work will continue throughout the holidays to have our school ready to reopen next year.  Our school site will be closed from Saturday, 9 December 2023 until Monday, 15 January 2024 (school recommences on Monday, 22 January 2024).  Asbestos removal will occur throughout that time.   


Due to the necessary site closure, YMCA will offer vacation care to our families through their other local services. 



What's Happening 


We have an action-packed couple of weeks ahead of us.  Event reminders are shared on Class Dojo and will come in handy for families with such a busy school schedule. 



Zoe Harlow
