Ngarri Ngarri News

2023 Ganbina Youth Achievement Awards
Last Friday evening, a number of Greater Shepparton Secondary College students were recognised for their achievements in education as part of the Ganbina 2023 Youth Achievement Awards.
GSSC Executive Principal, Barbara O’Brien said it was a proud moment attending the event to see students presented their awards and recognised for their outstanding efforts towards their schooling and future.
“These students have done themselves, their families and their school proud,” Ms O’Brien said.
“They have given their studies 100 per cent and acted as wonderful role models for fellow peers. They continue to make a commitment to their studies and are displaying great leadership skills.
“I know we are in good hands with young people such as these students leading the way and I look forward to seeing what this group achieves in years to come both at GSSC and beyond.”
GSSC award recipients:
- Year 7 - Taneesha Atkinson, Yulkirri Bamblett, Casaidon Joachim, George Nicholson
- Year 8 - Bradley Atkinson, David Campbell, Bridget Cooper
- Year 9 - Rhianna Ward
- Year 10 - Cody Fairless, Gretel Peters
- Year 11 - Shanikwa Allen-Jones, Lincoln Atkinson
- Year 12 - Kady-Anne Paton, Hariyett Peters
GSSC Graduates of the Ganbina Youth Leadership Program were also celebrated: Lincoln Atkinson, Connor Moore and Hariyett Peters.
About Ganbina:
Ganbina was established in 1997, to support young Aboriginal community members in the Goulburn Valley to succeed. It is widely recognised that these children and youth face significant barriers in achieving their individual goals related to education, training and employment. Ganbina has established awards in these areas to acknowledge the achievements and efforts of individuals and to encourage them as they continue on their journey to become future leaders and agents of change within their community.