2024 Specialist Leaders

Last week we held our final whole school assembly for the year, introducing our 2024 First Nations, Multicultural, Values, Environmental and Music specialist leaders.
The assembly was hosted by incoming Biyala College Captains, Sabri and Reyhaneh along with House Captains Farzana, Sophie, Lucy and Zaine and the audience enjoyed a number of student showcases including a band and vocals performance and a skit from our drama students.
Our student leaders are integral to our College Mission to nurture a student-centred culture and promote student leadership, voice and agency. In addition to advocating for fellow students, these roles provide an opportunity for our student leaders to challenge themselves, build their own leadership skills and expand horizons. Read more about our 2024 student leadership here: https://www.gssc.vic.edu.au/ourcollege/student-leadership-2024
The theme of this assembly was centred around our value of Integrity and what that looks like in a school setting. We showed a vox pop put together by current Values Leader, Maddi, who roamed the yard asking students how they demonstrate integrity. You can view it here: https://fb.watch/oIWFKlp5up/