Vinnies Giving Tree

Walking Together

Dear Parents,


We have been learning about  how Jesus calls us to care for our neighbours. We realise that not everyone is as lucky as we are and that many people work to support those in our community in need. 

We have set up a GIVING TREE in the foyer to collect toys, gifts and items to put in Christmas Hampers. Vinnies will collect these items on the 14th December and then distribute them to people in our local community this Christmas.


Some items that would be greatly appreciated: non perishable food, new toys, candy canes, bon-bons, decorations, wrapping paper, chocolate, gingerbread, small toys, Christmas pudding, Christmas cake, fairy floss, chips, lollies, tins of food, pasta sauce, pasta, tinned ham, tinned vegetables, Christmas lights, stocking, popcorn, Christmas socks, drinks, pancake shaker mix, soaps, decorations, Advent calendar, tinsel, pretzels, nuts, stocking, Christmas plates, Christmas serviettes, Christmas cards, soft drinks, juice...or any other non perishable food or Christmas item that might make someone’s Christmas just a little bit nicer.


We have made some decorations to remind you of the sorts of things we would love to have under the tree. Please take one or more home with you. 


From the students of OLSS

“Walk in someone elses’ shoes”