House in Focus: 


David F and Matilda S | Osborne House Captains

In 2023, Osborne House has seen immense success emerging as the winner of the House Cup! This success can be attributed largely to the incredible talent and hard work of Osborne athletes, and most importantly the community that has supported them. 


Across the athletics and swimming carnivals, the students of Osborne wore the colour yellow with pride and chanted with passion. A notable addition to the list of chants was the chant “Shout Out Your Soul for the House of Osborne” inspired by the song that is sung in major liturgies in the school. 


Osborne’s success however extends past just competition, as Osborne house was a prevalent contributor to various social justice and well-being initiatives. One of Osborne’s main initiatives in 2023 was the involvement in NAIDOC week, in which the captains had wreaths from each of the houses placed on stage to represent the theme ‘For Our Elders’. They also had year 11 students talk about their experiences of NAIDOC week in the Northern Territory and the rich celebrations they were immersed and welcomed into. Furthermore, Osborne had the second highest student participants in the push up challenge, which sought to promote awareness about mental health. More recently Osborne was placed in charge of running activities on Chevalier Day, where we connected the school through basketball, spike ball, street hockey, and potato sack racing.


Overall, Osborne House has had a great year and owes much of its achievement to the Captains Mackenzie S and Angus D, as well as the other Osborne leaders and the house coordinators. These individuals were exceptional role models and organisers, and we, the 2024 Osborne Captains strive to follow in their footsteps and replicate the success present in this year.