Letter to Family and Friends

Dear Pilgrim Families,


As we approach the close of the 2023 school year, I am filled with gratitude for the adventure filled and exciting journey we've undertaken together this year.


Sharing and celebrating gifts is a central theme to Christmas. I love the enthusiasm of our 4 children waking on Christmas morning and the pure unbridled joy they have and their excitement at opening presents together. 


This brings to mind the ultimate gift that Christmas symbolises, the birth of Jesus Christ. In the midst of the twinkling lights and festive decorations, let us not forget that Jesus is the greatest gift of all. 


Just as the Wise Men presented gifts to the newborn King, let us approach this Christmas season with open hearts, ready to share the love and joy that Jesus brought into the world. 


What a wonderful opportunity this time provides us to encourage our children in understanding that the true essence of giving is not found in the extravagance of presents, but in the expression of sincere love and appreciation we express to one another. The gift of a small, helpless baby in a manger filled with straw reunites us to God. This is a timeless gift that overwhelmingly demonstrates God’s great love and tenderness for us.


I want to take a moment to extend my deepest thanks to our dedicated and hardworking staff team this year. Their passion for young people, families as well as their tireless dedication is an enormous part of what makes this school a special place. Their dedication does not go unnoticed, and I am truly grateful for the thoughtful, deliberate, and positive impact they have on the lives of children in their care.


Equally deserving of our gratitude are the parents and caregivers of our community. Your support, involvement, and partnership in your child's education contribute immeasurably to our collective success. It is through our unity and shared commitment that we create an environment where students can thrive academically, socially, emotionally, and spiritually.


As we bid farewell to 2023, may the warmth of Christmas fill your homes with love, laughter, and gratitude. I am immensely proud of what we have achieved together this year and look forward to the continued partnership we share in the coming year.


Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!




Andrew Edmondson
