
Next Week we celebrate Refugee Week our prayer is to help those seeking a safe home.


God of Abraham, God of Jacob, our God,


We give You thanks for all You have done for humankind under grace in Jesus Christ.


We pray for those who are escaping persecution and conflict, fleeing death, torture, or ruthless exploitation, that they be filled with Your divine strength, Lord, and find freedom.


We lift up to you those who have suffered greatly, and ask that refugees and people seeking asylum will be blessed and taken care of because You are Jehovah Jireh – their provider. We place them in Your hands and thank You for keeping them. We invite your infinite Spirit of divine love to renew their lives under grace in Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour.


We pray for those travelling by air or seas, that when they reach our shores, they will feel welcomed and embraced. Give us more of your compassion for their plight, soften our hearts to their situation, and help us follow your lead in seeking justice and mercy on their behalf.


We pray for an end to the wars, poverty, and human rights abuses that drive desperate people to become refugees in the first place.


With grateful hearts, we give thanks for people working in troubled countries and ask for more of your blessing so we can bring life, dignity and hope to those that remain. We thank you that you are Lord of all the earth, and all its people are loved by you. 


We pray these things in the name of your Son who was Himself born into the troubled life of a refugee.



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