Parents' Association

Our Term 2 Parents’ Association meeting will be held at 7pm on Tuesday, 21 May 2024 in the Thomas More Exhibition Centre.


The agenda is available below and will also be available on the Parents’ Association option on SEQTA: 


We look forward to seeing many parents at the meeting.


Funding & Agenda 

Proposals deadline 

5pm Friday Week 2 

Proposals & Agenda

Live on PA SEQTA 

5pm Friday Week 5

PA Meeting 

Thomas More Exhibition Centre

7pm Tuesday Week 6 

Term 226 April17 MayTuesday 21 May
Term 326 July16 AugustTuesday 20 August
Term 418 October8 NovemberTuesday 12 November (AGM)

From Your 2024 Parents’ Association Committee:

  • President: Lisha D’Souza
  • Vice Presidents: Caroline Di Costa & Steve Jennings
  • Secretary: Emma Smith
  • Treasurer: Michael Thornton
  • General Committee Members:  Paul Douglas, Olivia Watson, Eric Maroni, Kerry Tudori, Matt Edmondson, Jackie Walsh, Sally Walter and Fiona Sweet.