Wellbeing Officer

“Be the reason someone smiles today.”

Last Nokuna I advised 300+ ways to save money in a lengthy list. This week, it's short and sweet!


Have a Grateful Attitude...


One of the most important things we can do is be thankful. Too often, we focus on what we don’t have or what we wish was different in our lives, and this focus causes us to go through life feeling dissatisfied and defeated. But when we stop and take the time to focus on what we already have, it gives us a new perspective and our mind is renewed, our attitude is affected, and our levels of happiness improve.


Gratitude is something our Grade 5 and 6 girls are putting into practice with their new initiative. They are in the process of developing a new lunchtime club where friendship and gratitude are the focus. They are putting in a lot of effort... and for that I am grateful!


Activity - This will help wire your child's brain for gratitude and positivity, start focusing on what's going right and find more joy by paying attention to life in a more positive and self-aware way.

  • Before dinner go around the table with everyone talking about one thing they are grateful for today. You could also do this before bed
  • Play 'High Low Buffalo' i.e., what is the high point of your day, what was the low point of their day and a buffalo (anything else they would like to share)
  • Choose a Daily Mantra *We can do hard things, *I can handle this, *This day is a gift. Breath and notice
  • Create a family Moto *In our home we choose kindness, learn from our mistakes, and do our best, *Mistakes are OK...When we know better we can do better