
Physical Education, The Arts, STEAM, French


We have been lucky to have so many parent and grandparents helping 5/6A in the kitchen and garden this fortnight. 

 5/6S have been working collaboratively on making our lives easier with their Vex Go inventions.

The grade 3/4 students have begun their cardboard arcade games using the Make Do tools. 


Physical Education

Last Friday, 21 students went to the district cross country competition to represent Weeden Heights Primary School against other schools in our district. 

It was a fantastic day watching all the students participate and compete. All the students did so well, and I am so impressed with how everyone gave it a go. 

Also, we had so many students asked to go on to the next level. I couldn't be more excited for you. 

Go Weeden Heights!



  • Prep/1: The students are learning various ways to say 'Hello', depending on the time of the day and how well they know the person they are talking too. They love practising saying the words with the use of our cute puppets.
  • Grade 2: At the moment, the grammar focus is on the proper use of articles 'the', 'a' and 'some'. Ken was proud to become French teacher for a minute, to explain the rule to the class. Well done Ken!!
  • Grades 3/4: The students have just been assessed on body parts. They are now learning how to change the ending of adjectives, depending on the gender of the body part they are describing. For a female adjective, the ending will be 'e', whereas for a plural adjective it will be 'es' or 's'.
  • Grades 5/6: The girls have made excellent progress learning their French song and I am really proud of them. Here is a video of the rehearsal:

The boys are making slower progress, but I am confident they will be ready when it is time to present at assembly at the end of term: