Student Awards
Student of the Week
13 May 2024
For remembering all of his alphabet letters and sounds and starting to use CVC words correctly in his sentences. Fabulous effort Kerry!
For her helpfulness and kindness towards her classmates. Ava, if someone needs support or assistance, you are the first one with your hand up. Thank you for being such an incredible classmate!
For applying himself and working hard in his own time to catch up on missed work. You display an excellent attitude Jeremy, well done!
For writing an interesting information report about Arctic Foxes and for taking on feedback to improve her work. Awesome effort Nikki!
For writing an excellent newspaper report and using techniques to engage the reader. Well done, Mack!
For her positive approach during reading group activities and eagerness to expand and up level her use of vocabulary.
Language Specialist Award YEAR 2 ~
For their very good participation and behaviour while starting to memorise French transport words. Congratulations Grade 2!
PE Specialist Award YEAR 3/4C ~
For encouraging their classmates, even if their team was losing. Well done 3/4C!
STEAM Specialist Award YEAR 2 ~
For their improved cooperation and perserverance to solve coding problems.
Visual Arts Specialist Award YEAR 5/6A ~
For taking resposibility and using their time wisely, finding constructive and helpful things to do when finishing early. Great effort 5/6A.
Performing Arts Specialist Award PREP/1 ~
For working hard to learn the position of the notes on the staff. Well done everyone.
20 May 2024
Having a go at working out single digit subtraction using materials and pictures to support her. I'm very proud of you Hanna!
For her creativity and excellent effort on all her narrative writing tasks. Awesome work, Erica!
For listening carefully and applying herself in Maths lessons. Your hard work is paying off. Well done Lily.
For working diligently and displaying excellent mathematical skills in his addition and subtraction of decimals project. Awesome work Alex!
For taking initiative and putting in an excellent effort when working on her Inquiry project. Well done, Leela!
For consistently asking relevant questions in order to further his knowledge in Mathematics. Keep up the great work, Alex!
Language Specialist Award YEAR 5/6 GIRLS ~
For their amazing singing while learning a new French song for Assembly. Excellent work girls!!
PE Specialist Award YEAR 3/4L ~
For continuing to encourage others and work together as a team during PE. Well done!
STEAM Specialist Award YEAR 3/4L ~
For displaying cooperation, teamwork and creativity when starting their arcade game project.
Visual Arts Specialist Award YEAR 4 ~
Grade 4 (L and C) for welcoming the grandparents so beautifully, and working so hard in a short time frame to finish your Picasso animals with a room full of visitors! Great job!
Performing Arts Specialist Award YEAR 2 ~
For being patient and respectful when waiting for their turn on the xylophones, and encouraging each other. Fantastic job Grade 2!!