School News

Lunch Order - Menu Update
Parents & Friends News
Parents & Friends - Playground Mulch Works
The Parents & Friends Committee wish to report on how we are using funds raised from our events so that students and their families can see where their contributions are utilised. The committee engaged the services of Mulch Movers to deliver and spread 20 cubic metres of mulch underneath several of the school's playgrounds last term. We hope that students enjoy the rejuvenated areas and can appreciate the dedication from Daryl, the P&F committee and the school office staff to organise this mammoth task safely.
If you have any feedback, questions, would like to help for events, or would like to join our committee, please contact us on
The Parents & Friends Committee thank you for your support.
Student Illness
It's that time of year where there are lots of yukky illnesses travelling around the school community.
A friendly reminder that if your child has vomited at home, they must refrain from attending school for at least 24 hours from last vomit as per DET guidelines.
If your child has cold and flu symptoms, please do not send them to school. Coughing, sneezing and runny noses will also result in a phone call to home/work to collect your child from school.
We appreciate your support in helping us to keep our staff and students as protected as we can!