Senior School News

Year 10

A busy few weeks for Year Ten students 

Over the last fortnight, Year Ten students have nervously sat examinations, enjoyed their Year 10 Retreat, and this week, relevant students are sitting OLNA sessions. Whilst some inevitable emotions are presenting, on the whole, students have impressed with their demeanour during this time. It is important to acknowledge College staff, who have worked tirelessly to provide these opportunities for students. Likewise, I would like to thank our families, not only for encouraging their children to study for their examinations, but also for braving the early, cold and dark Friday morning to bring children in for Day Two of their Retreat. 

John Bosco Sports Challenge

The final training session for the John Bosco Soccer and Netball Challenge will be held after school on Monday. The games are scheduled for Week 10, Tuesday 18 June at St John Bosco, 170 Monticello Pkwy, Piara Waters.


Students will depart the College by bus at 3:20 pm. We encourage family members and other students to come out and support our teams in this inaugural secondary sports event representing Salvado Catholic College. The games will commence at approximately 4:00 pm. We are also looking forward to our return 'home game' against Bosco planned for Term Three on our new oval.

Careers Expo 

On Friday June 21, Year 9 and 10 students will visit Byford’s Careers Expo. For our Year 10s, with Year 11 2025 subject selection on the near horizon, students should use this event to gain further knowledge about their potential vocation pathways. This information will be invaluable when it comes to subject selection processes. 

Week 11 Reminder 

A reminder that Week 11 of this term contains many key events for Year Ten students: 

  • On Monday June 24, students will have their Keys for Life Road Safety presentation. 
  • We have our Secondary School Athletics Carnival on Wednesday June 26
  • On Thursday June 27, students completing the Sports Coaching Cert II will have their first aid course. This is a costly course and whilst the College will cater for student participation, there will not be a follow-up event. Attendance is therefore essential. 
  • Friday June 28 will present as a very busy day for Year Ten students: 
    • Western Australian universities will provide students with a Combined Universities presentation. This important event will help relevant students learn more about different tertiary pathways on offer. Importantly, it will also discuss the many ways in which students may be granted entry to university. 
    • Benedict House will enjoy their House celebrations. 
    • During periods five and six, students will enjoy a range of Wellbeing options. These aim to model ways in which we can decompress when pressures intensify. 

Quote of the Week:

Prejudice is a burden that confuses the past, threatens the future, and renders the present inaccessible.

~ Mary Angelou


Mr Jason Meynell

Head of Senior School (Year 10)