College Notices

Benedict House Day


On Friday 28 June, we will be celebrating our Benedict House Day and the Liturgy of the Word. 


After the Liturgy, students from Benedict House will receive a sausage sizzle. Please take the time to complete the form if your child has any dietary requirement or if you are available to assist with the cooking and preparation of the sausage sizzle. 


Secondary eBook and Audio Book Access

We have been very fortunate to be able to provide our Secondary students with access to over 2000 eBooks and 2000 audio books. Our students can access this platform on a mobile device or laptop. This can be done via:

  • Website (or click on the above banner)
  • Download and install ePlatform Digital Libraries (through Apple App Store or the Android Play Store)


Students were provided logins during their English classes. 


This platform also provides Dyslexia & Literacy Support Tools, Spoken Translation & Text Conversion to over 150 different languages.

Book Fair

We are excited to begin preparation for our Annual Bookfair in Week 7 of Term 3.


Throughout the years, our students have loved wandering through the Book Fair and making their wish lists. Our College receives reward points from sales made at the Scholastic Book Fair. These points are then used to purchase valuable resources for our students.


To run such a successful event, we require assistance from our College Community. If you are interested in being on the Book Fair committee, please email 

Lost Property


We have a number of lost property at Student Services (Primary students) and Kaadadjiny Hub (Secondary students). If you have lost any items, please come and collect your lost items by Friday 14 June.




On Wednesday 19 June, we will be holding a stall to sell unclaimed lost property.  

The stall will run from 8:15am – 8:45am and 3:00pm – 3:20pm in the Covered Assembly Space. All items will be sold for $2 and monies will go to LifeLink.

Premier's Reading Challenge 2024

The Premier's Reading Challenge has commenced! 


To participate, students are required to read a total of 12 books and log these on the official website. Parents of students who are under the age of 13, may help them to register for the Challenge by:

  • creating a profile
  • selecting an avatar
  • logging the books that have been read

Should online access be a challenge, physical reading records are also available. 


Participants have the opportunity to with one of over 110 prizes! So let's start reading today! The last date of the Challenge is 6 September 2024.

Keyed Up Music Enrolments