Mission & Faith Life

Feast Days

The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus (7 June)

The Most Immaculate Heart of Mary (8 June)

The hearts of Jesus and Mary are deeply entwined. One of the visionaries at Fatima expressed the connection between the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary; “While Jesus was in Mary’s womb, the Heart of Christ was beating in unison with the Heart of Mary.” So, it is no surprise that these two special feast days sit side by side.


Click here to read more about the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Click here to read more about the Solemnity of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.


Congratulations to our Year 3 Students on receiving the Sacraments of Reconciliation - the reassurance of God’s reconciling and forgiving love for the person confessing their sins. Click here to read more about the sacrament.

Thank you to our Year 7 students for writing wonderful messages to our Year 3 students to let them know that they were thinking of them on this special occasion. 

Year 10 Retreat

Walking the Salvado Way 

Following in the Footsteps of Christ

Last week, at the end of exams, our Year 10 students went on a two-day retreat. Retreat days provide a vital space for the faith formation of our students and invite students to deepen their relationship with God, self, others and creation. The Year 10 Retreat focuses on the theme of VocationI Am Called. Participation in Christian liturgy and Christian Service Learning activities on these days empowered our students to grow spiritually with a Christ-like disposition, connect with Gospel values, and put their faith into action in the world.


Day One focussed on vocation and service. We began the retreat with a Mass with Benedictine Monk – Fr Robert. We then had a discussion forum with guest speakers – Damian Walsh from the Catholic care agency Shopfront, Barbara Blayney from Safeguarding WA, Fr Robert from the Benedictine Monastery in New Norcia and our very own Mr Meynell. The students then broke into smaller groups and participated in the following Christian service activities:

  • Making sandwiches for the primary school
  • Visiting the elderly at Armadale Place Care Community
  • Cooking hearty meals for Wandjoo Bidi, an organisation that supports the homeless
  • Forest clean up with Jarrahdale Park Volunteer Group and Jarrahdale Heritage Society
  • Sorting clothes at the St Vincent De Paul Warehouse.

Day Two of the retreat focussed on our College patron Rosendo Salvado and pilgrimage. Our Year 10 students were the first students from Salvado Catholic College to walk in the steps of our College patron, Rosendo Salvado!


A huge thank you to all of our guest speakers, all of the organisations who allowed our students to complete their Christian Service activities at their facilities, Mr Paul Kelly and the students at Immaculate Heart College for hosting lunch, after the students walked the Camino Salvado and Fr Paul and the Divine Mercy Parish for welcoming our students with open arms.


An extra special thank you to Mr Meynell, Mrs Merry, Mr Old, Mr Waynes and Mrs Velasquez for supporting our students on these two huge days!


Student highlights: 

“exceeded my expectations…connecting with my peers” - George

“in awe of the natural environment” - Gabriel

“It was interesting learning about how Vinnies aids the needy. After the Camino I felt a sense of productivity.” - Sean

“fulfilling and eye-opening” – Lilly 


Pyjama Day & St Vincent de Paul Winter Appeal

Thank you to our wonderful students and families for supporting our College LifeLink Appeal by wearing pyjamas and bringing in a gold coin, and supporting our St Vincent de Paul Winter Appeal by donating a blanket. Your donations will go towards helping those in our local communities who are in need this winter.

Pope Francis' Monthly Prayer Intention

In June, we pray for migrants fleeing their homes.



The Holy Father encourages prayers for migrants fleeing from war or hunger, forced to undertake journeys full of danger and violence, find welcome and new opportunities in the countries that receive them.





Please click here to read more about the Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network and this month’s intention.


Pope’s Video about this month’s prayer intention: https://www.youtube.com/@thepopevideo