A Message from the Principal

Dear Parents and Caregivers, 


As we near the conclusion of the semester, our students will receive their Semester One Interim Reports at the end of the term. These reports offer a comprehensive overview of their progress, achievements and areas for improvement. While it might be tempting to view these reports merely as a measure of academic performance, I encourage all students, parents and caregivers to engage deeply with the reflection process that these reports invite.


Academic reports provide valuable insights into a student’s learning journey over the semester. They highlight not just grades but also feedback on participation, effort, and development in various subjects. Reflecting on these reports helps students understand their strengths and areas where they have grown, fostering a sense of accomplishment and motivating them to build on their successes.


Reflecting on academic reports is a crucial practice that supports holistic development, encourages personal growth, and fosters a collaborative learning environment. By embracing this reflection process, students can gain valuable insights, set meaningful goals, and approach their studies with renewed purpose and determination. Below are some tips on how to reflect effectively on academic reports. 

  1. Review the Report Thoroughly: Students and parents/caregivers should read the entire report, paying attention to both grades, ratings for attributes/effort and any written feedback.
  2. Celebrate Successes: Acknowledge and celebrate achievements and progress, no matter how small.
  3. Discuss Feedback: Engage in open discussions about the feedback provided, exploring ways to address any concerns.
  4. Set Goals: Develop specific, actionable goals based on the feedback and areas identified for improvement.
  5. Plan Ahead: Create a plan to implement the goals, including timelines and resources needed.

Staffing Matters

Ms Chloe Collard will be taking Long Service Leave for the first five weeks of Term Three. We wish her all the best for her break. Mr Patrick Murphy will be teaching 4G in Ms Collard's absence. Mr Murphy is one of our regular relief teachers and we welcome him to the Salvado staff.


Peace & Goodness to all,

Ian Hagen
