Student Wellbeing

Hi everyone, 

As we push through these next two weeks, possibly with a little exhaustion from both children and adults, it is a timely reminder about being mindful and allowing ourselves to find time to be joyful, stop and to just ‘be’.


In today’s rush, we all think too much—seek too much—want too much—and forget about the joy of just being.
– Eckhart Tolle


Mindfulness Activities

The following link offers information and ideas to assist you with your children, from early years through to teenagers, to allow for stillness and time to reflect.



Maggie Dent, an ambassador of the App, Smiling Mind, gives an example of how her own childhood was marinated in nature as she grew up on a farm.  Looking back as an adult she now realises how blessed she was to have so much around her in a natural landscape. 


We may not have a farm like Maggie, but we do have many places, including our own backyard to be able to stop and spend time in silence.


Although it has been a long term, if we allow time for reflection, I am sure we will find many moments to celebrate.


Until next time 😊



Mrs Kerry Browne

Student Wellbeing Coordinator