From the Chaplain

“I want it all.  I want it all.  I want it all.  And I want it now!” These words from the rock group Queen (along with many of their other hits) rang throughout the Capitol Theatre recently in the musical ‘We Will Rock You’.  As I listened, it struck me that they also summarise, in many ways, the attitude of our ‘instant gratification’ society.  Satisfaction comes from having everything we think we need, RIGHT NOW – and in our technology-driven world, that’s exactly when we expect to have it!


But what if we “had it all”?  Would it be enough for us?  Many of those who have made a lot of money in their lives have admitted the problem that, for them, the perfect amount of wealth was ‘always a few dollars more’.  Not only that, but vast wealth can also bring vast insecurity and anxiety.  What if someone or something comes and takes all that wealth away – robbery, disaster, even illness or death?  It’s hard to be content, with that sort of worry! “Having it all” can put all sorts of pressures on a person, in terms of how you keep hold of it – and how you find opportunities to enjoy it…


The Bible encourages us to find contentment in what we have – and in what will last.  “Godliness with contentment is great gain.  For we brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out of it.  But if we have food and clothing, we will be content with that.” (1 Timothy 6:6-8)  You and I are fortunate to have been given, in this world, more than enough to enjoy.  Finding contentment in those things, along with the joy of knowing and experiencing God’s unceasing goodness forever, is ‘having it all’ in the sight of the One who is, ultimately, the source of everything we have and are.


Calrossy Christian Fellowship Meeting

  THURSDAY 13th June 2024


You’re very welcome to come and join in this week’s meeting of the Calrossy Christian Fellowship (CCF) - a group of parents and friends connected with Calrossy who gather regularly to support, in prayer, our School community, people and events!


All are welcome – we meet 9.00am-9.30am, at 130 Brisbane Street.

Arrive any time from 8.30am.

0-5’s are welcome too!

Please invite along any others you know who might like to join us in praying for the Calrossy community.