Principal's Report

Joshua Sheffield                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Image: Grade 1 Display 

World Day for Cultural Diversity: Cookbook Contributions Wanted

In our school, we are proud of the diversity that is reflected in our community, with students and families hailing from over 30 different countries and a myriad of backgrounds. To celebrate this, our student leaders have taken the initiative of creating a Cultural Cookbook to showcase diversity and hiopefully expand on our range of high-rotation meals that are ‘kid-friendly’. In the discussions we were having about this cookbook, one student spoke of their family favourite ‘Pastisio’, which after hearing the decision I went away and cooked with my children, and is now on high rotation in my house! I encourage you to support our student leaders and submit a recipe (see Compass post from Monday), and once the cookbook is compiled and shared, enjoy delving into some new cuisine as a family. 

Student Trip to China

Our school and senior students have been invited to participate in an incredible opportunity to travel to China for a cultural trip, taking in many attractions and spending time at our Sister School and with families. Whilst we are still in the feasibility-testing phase, we are incredibly excited by this opportunity to strengthen our relationship with our sister school and provide more rich, authentic and exciting opportunities to our students. Grade 5 and 6 families are reminded to complete EOIs by Monday 17th May to be considered for the opportunity. 

Dad’s Club Mancave Event

Congratulations to the Dad’s Club, and in particular Justin Joiner, on the organisation and fantastic running of the now annual Mancave event recently. There were a large number of our dads in attendance and reports are the night was a lot of fun. Whilst the primary purpose is connection and enjoyment, the night also raised over $3500 for the school. 

These funds will go toward the purchase of a Precious Plastics Workstation which will enable us to recycle our milk lids and make re-usable items for students (pens, bag tags, etc.). This will support students to learn about engineering, sustainability, making a difference, science, etc. and will reward their vision and demonstrated commitment to this over two years.

Victoria Police Community Sentiment Survey

From 1 May to 31 May 2024, Victoria Police is inviting Victorians to complete the Survey.

We would appreciate your school’s valued input and ask that this information be disseminated via your school newsletter to the student and parent cohort.

The annual survey supports our commitment to Neighbourhood Policing, and asks Victorians to tell us their key safety concerns, how they would like to interact with police (outside of an emergency) and where we can focus efforts to prevent and deter crime.

The survey is quick, anonymous and for people of all backgrounds who live, work and socialise in Victoria.

The survey is available from 1 May 2024 via the Engage Victoria website at:

Dogs in Schools Policy

At last week’s School Council meeting, a new Dogs in Schools Policy was tabled and ratified. The policy (available on our website) addresses both the use of a Therapy Dog at HPS as well as some protocols regarding other dogs on school grounds and associated safety measures. To better socialise policies, we will provide more regular updates through the newsletter of those that are updated or created and relevant to you. The key points regarding this policy that are relevant include:

  • Dogs should be kept on a short leash on school grounds
  • Dogs cannot be tethered unattended within the school, if you need to enter a building, please tie your dog up at one of the gates. 

The other policies that were also ratified were as below, both of which are available on our website:

Class Placement Policy

Yard Duty and Supervision Policy 

New & Important Dates

  • Division Cross Country (Gr 3-6): 23rd May
  • Grade 1 Swimming Program Begins: 11th June
  • End of Term 2: 28th June
  • Start of Term 3: Tuesday 16th July
  • Grade 5/6 Circus Concert: Evening of 28th August

To stay up to date with all events and key dates, see the Compass Calendar.