House Art

House Art Winners!


Congratulations to the winners of House Art! 

Thank you to everyone who submitted an artwork; the quality of work was exceptional. Well done.


Below is a message from our judge Ayesha Dharmabandu. 

This years House Art theme was transformation. We had over 50 submissions this year which is almost double the number of last years entries.


House Winners

1st Place – Blackwood

2nd Place – Kororoit

3rd Place – Rothwell

4th Place – Cottrell 


Judge’s Choice


Blackwood - ‘The Diver’ by Wilhemina Wright

Kororoit - ‘Adore Me’ by Edison Duong

Rothwell - ‘Metamorphosis’ by May Li and ‘Transcendence’ by Aalya Sharma

Cottrell - ‘Fly Away’ by Tiffany Duong and ’11.37pm’ by Jay Hoang


Blackwood 'The Diver' by Wilhemina Wright
Kororoit 'Adore Me' by Kororoit 'Adore Me' by Edison Duong
Rothwell 'Metamorphosisi' by May Li
Rothwell 'Transcendence' by Aalya Sharma
Cottrell '11:37' by Jay Hoang
Cottrell ' Fly Away' by Tiffany Duong
Blackwood 'The Diver' by Wilhemina Wright
Kororoit 'Adore Me' by Kororoit 'Adore Me' by Edison Duong
Rothwell 'Metamorphosisi' by May Li
Rothwell 'Transcendence' by Aalya Sharma
Cottrell '11:37' by Jay Hoang
Cottrell ' Fly Away' by Tiffany Duong


People’s Choice

1st Place – Kororoit

2nd Place – Rothwell

3rd Place – Blackwood

4th Place – Cottrell


People’s Choice Overall winner

‘Journey of Change’ by Selina Choo