VTAC & Western Chances Scholarships

Year 12 VTAC Application Dates
The Victorian Tertiary Admission Centre (VTAC) allows Year 12 students to apply for University and TAFE courses across Victoria. Applications will open Monday 29 July. Students should submit their application by Friday 20 September (end of Term 3). Students can list up to 8 courses in their application, and can modify this list after submission until Saturday 14 December.
Mr Taig and Ms Holmes will explain the application steps in Term 3 SECC lessons, and will support students throughout the application process.
Mr Taig and Ms Holmes
Western Chances Scholarship
The Western Chances Scholarship provides financial support and opportunities to talented students who live in the Western Suburbs and face financial difficulties. Students receive approximately $1000 to support their schooling, and can receive annual renewals of the scholarship until they are 25 years old.
New applications will open in early Term 3. Please check the Compass Newsfeed regularly for updates.
Mr Taig and Ms Holmes
Subject Selection Expos and Course Counselling
Year 9 and 10 students will submit their 2025 subject choices in Term 3.
Year 10 students choose subjects for Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) or International Baccalaureate (IB). Senior School subject selection information can be found on the SCHS Careers Website. To assist Year 10 students to make their choices, we are running a Student Subject Expo and Parent/Guardian Subject Expo Evening, and Course Counselling.
Year 9 students will also attend a Student Subject Expo to assist them to choose their Year 10 elective subjects.
Full event details will be posted on the Compass Newsfeed in early Term 3.
Year 10 Subject Expo (for current Year 9s): 12.45pm - 2.20pm Wednesday 31 July
Year 9 students will spend the afternoon at school learning about their Year 10 elective subject options.
Senior School Subject Expo (for current Year 10s): 12.45pm - 3.30pm Wednesday 31 July
Year 10 students will spend the afternoon at school learning about their VCE and IB subject options.
Senior School Subject Selection Information Evening (for current Year 10 students and families): 6pm Wednesday 31 July
Year 10 families are invited to attend the in-person information evening. There is an opportunity to speak with subject teachers, and learn about how Senior School works: including VCE and IB structures, VCE scaling, prerequisites and tertiary course pathways.
Subject Selection Counselling (for current Year 10s): Monday 5 August
Year 10 students will attend an individual 15-minute counselling session to help finalise their subject choices.