Subject Selection & IB

Subject Selection Expos and Course Counselling
Year 9 and 10 students will submit their 2025 subject choices in Term 3.
Year 10 students choose subjects for Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) or International Baccalaureate (IB). Senior School subject selection information can be found on the SCHS Careers Website. To assist Year 10 students to make their choices, we are running a Student Subject Expo and Parent/Guardian Subject Expo Evening, and Course Counselling.
Year 9 students will also attend a Student Subject Expo to assist them to choose their Year 10 elective subjects.
Full event details will be posted on the Compass Newsfeed in early Term 3.
Year 10 Subject Expo (for current Year 9s): 12.45pm - 2.20pm Wednesday 31 July
Year 9 students will spend the afternoon at school learning about their Year 10 elective subject options.
Senior School Subject Expo (for current Year 10s): 12.45pm - 3.30pm Wednesday 31 July
Year 10 students will spend the afternoon at school learning about their VCE and IB subject options.
Senior School Subject Selection Information Evening (for current Year 10 students and families): 6pm Wednesday 31 July
Year 10 families are invited to attend the in-person information evening. There is an opportunity to speak with subject teachers, and learn about how Senior School works: including VCE and IB structures, VCE scaling, prerequisites and tertiary course pathways.
Subject Selection Counselling (for current Year 10s): Monday 5 August
Year 10 students will attend an individual 15-minute counselling session to help finalise their subject choices.
International Baccalaureate
Expressions of interest to undertake the International Baccalaureate in 2025 are now opened to all current Year 10 students.
An expression of interest form can be found in the Year 10 student newsfeed on Compass. Filling out this form will assist us with planning for course counselling in Term 3 and ensures that students will be contacted about the IB internal application process. Filling out this form does not mean students are locked in to do the IB.
A reminder that the internal application process for the IB has been updated for 2025:
- There is no longer a minimum grade and attendance required to apply.
- Students will need to demonstrate understanding of the IB program philosophy and requirements and involvement in non-academic activities (both internal and external) through a written application no more than two A4 pages.
- Students will be required to select their SL and HL subjects around subject selection time in Term 3. Guidance on selecting SL/HL will be the main focus during course counselling, and the current IB cohort will be offering guidance at the IB club (every Monday Week A in G6).
- If required, an interview with the Director of IB may be requested.
Parents who wish to know more about the International Baccalaureate can download a pdf of the parent webinar which was held earlier this term.