Car Park Safety

Unfortunately, it has come to our attention that there have been several recent instances of accidents and injuries incurred within the school car park. Therefore, this is a timely reminder to parents of the following important rules and precautions surrounding road safety within the school:

  • The speed limit within the school’s car park is strictly 5km/hr.
  • Double parking is not permitted.
  • There is to be no overtaking of cars dropping off or collecting students.
  • Parking across walkways and crossings is not permitted.
  • Strictly no right turning out of the car park during the times of 8:00 - 9:30am and 2:30 – 4:00pm. 
  • No parking in the service and delivery area.
  • Do not block the boom gate.
  • Do not overtake cars queuing to enter the car park.
  • Ensure your child is clear of your car before driving off.

We thank you for your cooperation in helping us keep our students, staff, and visitors safe.