Sport and Campus News

Campus Instrumental Night

In Week 5, we celebrated our Campus Instrumental Music Night. The evening was a great success, providing very supportive audiences to our talented instrumental students from Pilgrim, Nativity and Thiele; and their wonderful instrumental teachers. 


There were performances from recorder, piano, guitar, drums, voice and violin students who are taking lessons with our Campus Instrumental staff – Jan Booth, Peter Morey, Alison Hansen, Carlie James, Greg Jones and myself. 


Thanks to our Performing Arts Captains, including Kayla and Madeleine from Pilgrim, for their assistance during the evening. 


Our congratulations to all the Instrumental students who performed, and our sincere thanks to the parents, students and staff who made this evening possible. 


Ally Cunningham 

Campus Performing Arts Coordinator

Campus Soccer Referees Wanted 








Premier's be active Challenge 

Pilgrim School is running the Premier’s be active Challenge in 2024. If you would like your child/children to participate in the Premier’s be active Challenge, please see the Pilgrim Front Office for a recording booklet. Booklets must be returned by the end of Term 3.


Kind regards,


Brett Middleton 

Campus Sports Coordinator and Pilgrim Wellbeing Coordinator

Campus Kids Play Cafe 

The Campus Kids Play Cafe meets on Fridays during the school term; 9.30am - 12.30pm.

Parents/carers supervise their children as they engage in age-appropriate educational play activities while parents/carers enjoy a cappuccino or freshly brewed tea with some delicious morning tea. Entry is a gold coin donation. 


Play Cafe is a fantastic introduction to our Campus community! Come along and meet Lois and Daryl.


We warmly welcome parents/carers within our three schools, along with their friends, family and community members.


Facebook –

Aberfoyle Park Campus Preschool 

Registrations for Preschool Enrolment in 2025 are now due. To ensure you gain a place at your local Campus preschool you must lodge a Preschool Registration of Interest form with them. Forms can be found on the Department for Education website, or you can pick one up directly from the Aberfoyle Park Campus Preschool on site. 


If your child turns 4 before the 1st May 2025, they are eligible to start preschool in Term 1 2025. If your child turns 4 between the 1st May and the 31st of October 2025, they are eligible to start preschool in Term 3, 2025.


If you have any queries please ring the Preschool on 8270 3136, or email

Campus Office Hours 

The Campus Office is open Monday, Tuesday and Thursday 8.30am - 3.30pm.  


Contact details for the Campus Office are:

Bianca Henderson, Campus Administrator

P: 8270 3077


Uniform Shop Term Opening Hours 

Our uniform supplier, Belgravia Apparel, will be open on Campus during the following hours during term time. Please note the new hours being trialled for Term 2:

  • Mondays 2.30pm - 4.00pm
  • Wednesdays 8.00am - 9.30am.

You can also order online at, look for 'Aberfoyle Campus - Pilgrim' and arrange pick up, delivery via the school or delivery to your address. You will note some items are not yet in stock (these are listed as 'sold out'). All uniform items are expected to be available soon.

Uniform Shop School Holiday Opening Hours 

The Campus Uniform Shop will be open for additional hours during the upcoming holidays on the following days:

  • Monday 10th July, 2.30 - 4.00pm
  • Wednesday  19th July, 8.00 - 9.30am

Uniform Items from Second-hand Uniform Pool 

The P&F have new art smocks, library bags, reader covers and headbands available to purchase in the Second-hand Uniform Pool. These can be paid for on Qkr!. Please note this is a payment method only (not an online order form). To collect your item, please go to the Pilgrim Front Office or email a copy of your receipt to for the item to be sent home with your child.


Out of School Hours Care (OSHC) is available for families before and after school.

For enquiries contact:


Carmel Button

OSHC Director 


Phone: 8270 6178