Student Learning

Class News from Year 1/2 

What a busy start we have had to the start of term 2. Students have jumped into musical practice as well as various learning activities in class.


In Week 5 we celebrated National Reconciliation Week. This tied in well with National Sorry Day on the 26th of May 2024. Students watched a video that explained the changes that have come into the constitution and why we celebrate National Sorry Day. 

In English, Students have been exploring informative writing and reports. They have been hard at work researching animals and looking at key points such as the classification of the animal, its habitat and diet and its size and appearance. This has also been a great experience for our students to come alongside each other and help during class activities.

In our Christian education lessons, students have been learning about how God has chosen specific people in the Bible to lead people away from sin and evil and follow God's Way. So far, we have looked at Moses, Isaac and Samuel.

In Health this term, the Year 1 students have been looking at what a healthy lifestyle is all about. We have explored the ‘Australian healthy eating guide’ as well as creating a ‘healthy eating rainbow’. In week 5 the Year 1 students discussed the importance of sleep and rest, not only for our daily functioning but also its importance on our immune system and keeping bugs away. They got to have a relaxing end to the day and snuggled up with their oodies, blankets and comfort toys.


Vanessa Olesen & Tom Ledson  

Year 1/2O Class Teachers

Bebras Challenge Round 1, 2024  

A number of our students from Years 3 to 6 participated in the first round of the AMT

Bebras Challenge in Week 1. This is a national online competition that engages students' computational thinking and problem-solving skills in a fun, interactive environment. Students complete the challenge either individually or in teams of up to four. Over 25,000 students participated across Australia. We had excellent results as you can see below! The final round of the challenge is later in the year. 



Year 3 - Wenxin

Year 4 - Ned

Year 5 - Ashton, Ethan, Johnny, Isaac



Year 3 - Jacob M

Year 4 - Grace L, Rafiki, Vin

Year 5 - Aliyah, Leo



Year 3 - Lucas

Year 4 - Jacob E, Josh W, Ned

Year 5 - Ed, Malachi

Year 6 - Ariella, Aria, Acacia, Zoe, Lana, Aiden



Year 4 - Benji, Benjamin, Mairik, Coco

Year 6 - Danny, Josiah, Jaxon


High Distinction

Year 4 - Arjuna