School News & Events

School Values Awards

Each week we present School Value Awards for students who have upheld or demonstrated one of our Pilgrim values: Belong, Explore, Flourish, Serve. The students are presented with their award at our weekly Worships.


Term 2, Week 5             

Belong: Ariella

Explore: Jackson

Flourish: Benaiah

Serve: Storm

Term 2, Week 6               

Belong: Ryker

Explore: Eva

Flourish: Levi 

Serve: Hayley

Student Free Day 7th June 

Pilgrim School has a student free day on Friday 7th June. OSHC will be available and it is essential that bookings are made ahead.


To book, please phone OSHC on 8270 6178 or call in before or after school at the OSHC Office in the Geoff Simpson Hall. If OSHC is new to your family, some paperwork will be required.

Pilgrim School Musical - tickets are now on sale!

Our school musical is now only 4 weeks away! Tickets are now on sale, please use the link below for Musical News updates, including ticket sale information.  This will be a useful link to keep bookmarked so you can return to it for future reference.


Please remember, all student costumes are required at school in a named plastic bag by Tuesday 11th June, Week 7. 



Faith in our Future: Adelaide

Last term we emailed information about the proposed legislative changes before the Government which are likely to have impact on the ability of Christian Schools to employ Christian staff. Andrew Edmondson recently spent time in Canberra at the Christian Schools National Policy Forum and Symposium with a significant focus on the pending legislation change. The information received from politicians and lawyers stated that the most influential factor impacting amendments or changes will be strong public opinion.


Please would you pray about this proposed legislation change; consider writing to your local Member of Parliament to express your concerns; and join some of the staff at an upcoming Faith in our Future event where powerful good news stories about the impact of Christian schooling will be shared.


Date: Wednesday 12 June 2024

Location: Tyndale Christian School

Address: 50 Fern Grove Boulevard, Salisbury East SA 5109

Time: 6.30 for 7pm (finishing by 9pm)



Scholastic Bookclub

Scholastic Bookclub Catalogue Issue #4 was sent home this week. Orders are due by 14th June. You may not be aware that when orders are placed, Pilgrim School earns rewards points, giving us future credits towards expanding our school resources; so thank you for your support. 

Table Tennis Table

Pilgrim School has recently purchased a table tennis table for students to enjoy at recess and lunch play times. Both large and small group games are quite popular.

Parent's Literacy Workshop

On Wednesday 29th May, the Early Years team held a session for parents about the key areas of Reading and how we do this at Pilgrim School.


We went through the big 6 of Literacy - Oral language, Phonemic awareness, Phonics, Vocabulary, Fluency and Comprehension. We connected the link between reading and writing and the programs and resources we use in class and as a whole school.


We had a lot of fun leading our parents through various activities that we use in class with students and having them work out sounds in words, answering questions, partner reading and having a go at making words with only a few letters, just like for their own children do during class. 


Lisa Newbury

Early Years Coordinator

School Uniform Checks 

Over the next few weeks, our staff will be checking whether students are wearing correct uniform. Please ensure your child is wearing the correct items as per our uniform policy when they come to school. Please note the following:


As we are now in the winter months, full winter formal uniform is to be worn. Our winter uniform does not include a mix of summer and winter uniform items. 



  • A watch with functionality of telling the time and step counting only may be worn (no smart watches).
  • Earrings – single plain round metal stud or plain sleeper in both ear lobes. 


  • longer than shoulders must be tied back from face (entirely up).
  • hair accessories should be uniform colours.
  • haircuts should be no less than ‘Number 2’.


  • Conventional black school shoes (not black sneakers that are sometimes marketed as school shoes) need to be worn.
  • Only students in F-2 may wear black school shoes with Velcro.

Additional items

  • No clothing such as singlets, T-shirts or leggings should be visible under the uniform.
  • Coats and gloves in maroon, blue or grey are optional and for outside wear only and are worn over the school jumper or the Campus sports jacket.

If you have questions about uniform, please contact Kristen Heath or the Front Office staff. Teachers will send parents an email if they notice there are components of the uniform your family needs to address.

Enrolments for 2025 

If you know someone who is looking to enrol their child in Foundation for 2025 (either Term 1 or midyear), please encourage them to contact Kristen Heath on 8270 3033 or by email, We currently have 25 students enrolled to start Foundation next year and we are considering starting a waiting list for further enrolments. It would be important for families to complete an application for enrolment as soon as possible to secure a placement for 2025.