Catholic Identity


The Catholic Church sets aside the entire month of May to honour Mary, Mother of God.  May devotions to the Blessed Virgin Mary occur in churches and homes around the world.  In some places families create a devotional space for prayer in their homes or yards, centred around a statue of Mary.  Your family may like to create something similar this May and gather around it to say a Hail Mary.  


Pope John Paul II  wrote of the strength we can gain from Mary:

 “From Mary we learn to surrender to God’s will in all things. From Mary we learn to trust even when all hope seems gone. From Mary we learn to love Christ, her son and the Son of God. Mary is the clearest beacon pointing us to Christ. 

When I turn to Mary in prayer, I do so not only because I know how desperately I am in need of her graces. I turn to her, in joy and sorrow, because she is my mother. And she teaches me how to follow Jesus.”


As we know, attending Mass regularly is the best way to prepare your child to receive a sacrament.  It is also a crucial part of helping your child to develop a personal relationship with God, that they can carry with them throughout their life.

Families with a child celebrating a sacrament this year, are reminded to ensure that their child is getting their Sacramental Journal signed each time they attend Mass on a Sunday.  Should your child lose their journal, please contact the school office for a replacement. 


Over Term 2 we have several School and Community Masses scheduled for St John’s.  Parents are warmly invited to join us for these celebrations.  All dates are listed in the dates sections of this newsletter, but I would like to draw your attention to special dates.


Jayden Nedeski Memorial Mass

We will be remembering Jayden at our  School Mass on Wednesday 22nd May.  Parents are most welcome to join us at this Mass.


Community Mass Dates

Please click on the link below for the dates of all Community Masses this year: