General Information

Information which you need to be aware of.


Last week on Friday 10th May the students visited our Mother’s Day stall to make their purchases.  Thank you to Paula and Michelle for sourcing and preparing all of this year’s gifts. Thank you also to our Year 6 Leaders who helped run the stall on the day.  As you can see from the photos, the students were very excited with their purchases.


Last Wednesday 8th May saw the arrival of the Semper Dental Van.  Students who visited the van received a range of treatments from the onsite Dentist Ubah including: comprehensive oral examinations, fissure sealing where required, scaling, polishing and fluoride application.


Last Wednesday 8th May was the second anniversary of Jayden’s passing.  Our school community gathered around the school cross to remember the joy that Jayden brought to all our lives and to pray for his family and friends.  


As a school we will be offering our next School Mass on Wednesday 22nd May, for Jayden’s anniversary.  We warmly invite parents to join us on this special occasion where we will be joining Jayden's family in prayer and remembrance.   


On Thursday 2nd May three of our past Year 6 students, along with staff from Thomas Carr meet with our Year 5 students.  During the meeting the group discussed what life is like at Thomas Carr and the various learning opportunities available at the college.  A reminder to our Year 5 parents wanting an enrollment for Year 7 in 2026 to please contact Thomas Carr, as enrolments close later this year.


Thank you to all the parents who have helped with book covering at our last few ‘Cuppa and Contact’ sessions. Last week Mrs Angela Anderson was joined by Magizhini’s mum Antomaryshanthi and Jeremy’s mum Karen. 


Congratulations to the 36 students from Year 3 - 6 who represented St John’s last Wednesday May 8th at the District Cross Country.  Students travelled by bus to Presidents Park to compete.  The students are to be congratulated on the positive way they approached the day and all students should feel very proud of their efforts.  A special congratulations goes to the seven  students who have qualified to compete at the upcoming divisional cross country.  Below are some pictures from the day. 


Our Year 6 students have been studying the different levels of government as part of their inquiry unit.  Recently they contacted the Mayor of Wyndham Jennie Barrera and asked if she could visit St John the Apostle.  As part of this visit, Mayor Barrera spoke with the students about the role of local government and the responsibilities of councils which include; parks, libraries and rubbish collection.  The students heard about a day in the life of a Mayor and they had the opportunity to ask questions.


Our Year 1 students are completing a unit centred around community with a couple of key understandings:

  • What places are in our community?
  • Who are the people in our community?
  • Why are these people and places important in building a community?
  • How can I get involved in my local community?

We were visited by the Western United community manager, a team coach and the Western United captain, Josh Risdon. They discussed with the children where Western United is in the community, why Western United chose Tarneit as their home base, how sport and soccer in particular bring people in the community together and why they think that's important. They also explained how the players, coaches, etc are also a community and how it feels to be part of it, how the students can be part of the Western United community and why keeping active is important for our health.

Students had the opportunity to ask them questions about their roles at the club and then went outside to run some drills and play a mini game with Josh.


As many parents will remember, last year the school underwent a review process.  This occurs in all Catholic schools every four years.  During the review process a school’s achievements are recognised and recommendations are given for initiatives they could undertake over the coming four years.  


One recommendation given to St John’s was the establishment of a Library, where students could borrow books to be read for enjoyment at home.  Mrs Angela Anderson has been working tirelessly over the past five months, sourcing books and has held a number of sessions with parents, to cover any new purchases.


Last week the first of our Level Libraries was established, in the Year 2 area. Classes will visit their level library and have the opportunity to borrow a book for the week ahead.  As you can see from the picture below, the library is well stocked with a wide range of fiction and nonfiction books.


Last Monday we recommenced our weekly Flag Raising Ceremony.  These ceremonies are held at the end of the second play break each Monday and give the students an opportunity to reflect on our national identity and to join together to sing the national anthem, Advance Australia Fair.  Thank you to our Year 6 student leaders who organise and lead the school through the ceremony each Monday. 


Thanks to Mr Geisler for organising the recent Hockey Roadshow which was presented by Werribee Hockey Club and Hockey Victoria.  Workshops were held with students from Years 2, 3 & 4 who had a rostered Sports Lessons that day.


Dealing with grief and loss can be very difficult to understand and work through.  Parents can be faced with challenging or unexpected behaviours or questions.  Below are links to several documents that may be of help, particularly to Jayden’s classmates from Year 6 and any of Jake’s friends in Year 2.  As a school we will continue to keep Jayden’s parents Bill and Vesna and his brother Jake in our thoughts and prayers.