Key Dates & Reminders


Below are list of some of the main dates for Family Calendars for Term 2


May Dates

Wednesday 22nd May - School Mass celebrating Jayden Nedeski’s Anniversary

Friday 24th May - SCHOOL CLOSURE Staff Professional Development

Saturday 25th May - Community Mass

Tuesday 28th May - School Board Meeting

Thursday 30th May - Sacrament of Eucharist Practise Night @ St Andrew’s Church Werribee 7:00pm


June Dates

Wednesday 5th June - Year 5 & 6 Winter Sports Gala

Thursday 6th June - Sacrament of Eucharist @ St Andrew’s Church Werribee 7:00pm

Monday 10th June - NO SCHOOL King's Birthday Public Holiday 

Saturday 22nd June - Community Mass

Wednesday 26th June - School Mass

Friday 28th June - End of Term STUDENTS FINISH @ 12:30



Please ensure you have days below in your family calendar, as there is no school on these days:

  • Friday 24th May - SCHOOL CLOSURE Staff Professional Development
  • Monday 10th June - NO SCHOOL King's Birthday Public Holiday 


This year’s celebration of First Holy Communion will take place early in June.  Families with a child celebrating this sacrament are reminded to ensure that their child is getting their Sacramental Journal signed each time they attend Mass on a Sunday.  

A reminder that all students preparing for this sacrament are required to attend the Eucharist Family Night with one parent, at the St Andrew’s church on May 30th @ 7:00 pm.  During this session the students will have an opportunity to go to Confession, in preparation to receive their First Holy Communion.

The Sacrament of Eucharist will take place the following week at St Andrew’s Church on June 6th @ 7:00pm.  As traffic can be quite heavy around Werribee families are reminded to arrive at the church 15 minutes prior to the celebration of the Mass.

Uniform - Naming of Outer Garments

Over term 2 with the cold mornings and sunny days we have experienced a dramatic increase in the cases of lost jackets and jumpers. Many of these have been unnamed, making it difficult to ensure that they are returned to their rightful owner. 

We ask that parents name all garments and support our school expectation that children do not take jackets and jumpers off when on the playground.

In cases where garments have been misplaced we expect that parents remain respectful in their interactions with teachers and the front office staff so that we can work together to locate the item. Unfortunately, particularly when garments are not clearly labelled this is very challenging and often the issue cannot be resolved.


Schools complete the Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (NCCD) every year. It counts the number of students who receive additional adjustments or “help” at school because of a disability. The NCCD helps governments and schools plan for the needs of students with a disability. For further information click on the link NCCD Information Sheet.  


St John’s is hosting three pre-service teachers who are currently studying at Australian Catholic University (ACU). Claudia (Year 5), Jessica  (Year 6) and Maddison (Year 4) will be with us throughout May and June, completing their placements.  We particularly thank Mrs Amelia Milton in Year 5, Miss Ashleigh Withers in Year 6 and Mrs Carolyn Dillon in Year 4 for mentoring these pre-service teachers as they complete their placement.


Early Pickup Processes

Parents are reminded that collection of students prior to the bell must be processed through the front office VPass check out system.  This ensures that we have a record of who has taken the child and how often this is occuring. We understand that arriving early to pick up your child before traffic builds around the school is convenient, however it does break down the routines and structures put in place by the school to make each day run orderly and smoothly.


Parking Infringements - Wyndham Council

New Parking Bays have been created in several surrounding streets by the local council, to benefit all members of the school community and to ensure that drop off and pickup times are orderly and safe.  


A reminder to parents that parking inspectors from Wyndham Council have been sighted recently in the school vicinity.  

Please be aware you may receive an infringement notice if your vehicle is blocking Cottesloe Blvd because you are waiting for the school gates to open at 3:00pm, if you are not observing the parking lines or if you double park.  


Designated Disabled Parking

Please be mindful that the designated disabled parking space in the school carpark is only for vehicles displaying a Disabled Sticker.