Year 10 News

Emma Hopper & Courtney Scherger | Yr 10 Coordinators


If your student is going to be absent for any reason, parents need to please make sure that you are logging the absence on the SkoolBag app or calling via the Horsham College Absence Hotline on 5381 7200. 


Form Group 

Form Group runs daily from 8.50am - 9am. This is where students are updated with important daily notices, reminders, room changes, upcoming events and scheduled meetings. Please ensure that you are prompt to Form Group as attendance is closely monitored.



Now that we are mid Term 2, the days are starting to get chilly! Please make sure that you are wearing the correct uniform. This means white or navy long sleeve tops, Horsham College soft shell jacket and/or Horsham College puffer jackets. All items of Uniform can be purchased from Lowes in the Horsham Plaza. 


If you need assistance with purchasing uniforms, please reach out to your Year Level Co-ordinators. 



A reminder that Year 10 camps are running in Term 3 Week 2. Payments can be made on the QRK app or at the Horsham College Admin office. Both QLD Gold Coast and Mount Buller Snow Camp meetings are this week. Please keep an eye out on SEQTA DMs and also SEQTA Notices in Form Group. 


Congratulations to those students that were selected to go to the Melbourne Work experience trip and thankyou to Genni Smith for your assistance and work in organising this. 


Value Award Winners 

Congratulations to the following students for demonstrating the Horsham College Values and receiving awards and canteen vouchers. The Value Awards are acknowledged in Year Level assemblies. Congratulations again!

  • Mollie Scott: For working well in Bakers shop and showing great character in psychology.
  • Krystal Millar: For working well in bakers shop and working consistently in English.
  • Hannah Mackereth: For working well in Bakers Shop, showing great character in International Foods by completing extra cleaning jobs and for completing all holiday homework and consistently staying up to date in Math.


As always, any questions please reach out to Year Level Co-ordinators. 


Year 10 Bakers Shop

Baker’s shop class worked on their Birthday Cake CAT this week, decorating stage.


They applied the skills taught over the term for decorating with various elements including the use of  butter cream, piping, chocolate filagree piping, chocolate ganache and fondant.


They created some amazing designs and finishes and should be very proud of their finished product!