Chaplaincy Book Fair

Much more than the bi-annual sale of pre-loved books - on a grand scale - the Chaplaincy Book Fair is an event that brings the community together. Energetic students move books from the donation point, to be sorted into categories by the incredible John and Marylou Spehr and Neville Smith. More students move the display boxes into Maroske Hall.


Rotary and Apex members help pack up when the event is finished and Wastebusters assist the Chaplaincy Committee by keeping the whole event environmentally friendly, as books that cannot find a new home are recycled.


Right in the middle is where the magic happens. Booklovers find new adventures to take, treasured favourites to revisit and books to complete their collections. Recipes, patterns and technical advice are taken home to change lives. Children skip away with armfuls of books and relieved parents who do not have to worry about the expense.


Selling books for $1 is something that the Chaplaincy Committee is quite passionate about. For community members who love to read, by noon last Saturday, many a heart was filled with the thrill of anticipation about diving into fresh literary brilliance.


Although a fundraising event, this sometimes feels like a secondary function of the Book Fair, as the community come together to support each other. Last week’s Chaplaincy Book Fair raised $6,473. This money is used to pay 60% of the salary of the college chaplain, Yolande Grosser, who is at the college four days a week. Funds also provide Milos at the Brekky Hub, snacks at the For Faith lunchtime group, and many items to meet individual student needs.


Meeting on the first Thursday of each month in the Administration Building, the Chaplaincy Committee is made up of parents and interested community members. Please contact the school if you would like to be involved.


Chaplaincy Book Fair set-up
Chaplaincy Book Fair set-up
Milos lined up and ready to go at Brekky Hub
Milos lined up and ready to go at Brekky Hub
Brekky Hub
Brekky Hub