Alternate Programs

Dan Garner - Assistant Principal Alternate Programs

The term has started well and students are doing incredible things not only in schools but also in the community. We have had a number of students out in the community completing work trials and work experience, as well as our Blue Group engaged in a number of community engagement activities through their engagement with the Centre for Participation.


There are currently many opportunities available for students who are looking to enter full-time employment. Russell Brown (Headstart Coordinator) has been meeting with students in our Senior and Orange programs and connecting them with availabilities at different workplaces around town. Exiting school to a full time job is a target for many of our students, and they are encouraged to speak with their teachers if they need any further support with this.


Blue Group continue to engage with the community weekly as well. So far this term they have continued their swimming lessons at the YMCA, as well as visiting Tiny Goats in Dimboola and the Horsham Military Collection museum in town. The museum visit was particularly timely in the lead-in to ANZAC Day.


Our McKenzie Creek students were also involved in ANZAC Day this term, attending the remembrance service held on the main campus on Friday 26 April. After this students visited the ANZAC Centenary Bridge and the poppies attached to it, before walking past the collection of white crosses at Sawyer Park.


Parents and guardians are encouraged to continue reaching out to program leaders if there is anything we can do to support you and your child. This is often the toughest time of the year to get to school, and we are here to help however we can.

McKenzie Creek 

Gavin is bringing home dinner!


As we begin to reach these cold wintery nights, the Alternate Programs staff have decided to bring back the Conway’s Family Pie Award for students who have earned college value awards.


Gavin was awarded the first pie voucher and a certificate for his efforts throughout term 1. Pascall was able to present Gavin with his award and share with the ‘Creekers’ her joy of being able to work with Gavin each day and to say how proud she is of his successful transition this year.


For the next cycle, any student who receives a college value award for demonstrating care, collaboration, character and commitment will receive one entry into the draw to receive a family pie voucher from Conways.


Well done Gavin!



RATs sent Home

A reminder that the college still has a supply of Rapid Antigen Tests to check whether you or a family member is COVID positive. Students who had attended school last Friday were given a packet to take home with them.


At the Creek we have been encouraging students to sneeze and cough into their elbow, to wash and sanitise their hands regularly as well as not sharing foods to ensure no germs can be transferred. There have already been a number of students away from school for some time with cold and flu symptoms.


Please take care during this flu season!


Upcoming Key Dates

  • Friday 7 June - Curriculum Day
  • Monday 10 June - King’s Birthday