Year 12 News

 Kristin Pfitzner & Nick Rigas | Year 12 Coordinators

School Sport

It is wonderful to see many Year 12s represent Horsham College at interschool sport. Students have competed in both State Tennis and State Volleyball in Melbourne, in addition to Black Ranges football and netball competitions. These have been wonderful opportunities for students to make lasting memories in their final year of schooling. 

Celebrating Success

This Friday 24th May the Year 12 Team is hosting a special lunch for students who have achieved a BPA score of 4.5 and above on their Term 1 Reports. These students are to be congratulated on their consistent effort and application during the first part of the school year.


Study Habits

A reminder that the human brain does not remember every detail it processes. It is important for students to revisit what they have learned, so that they don’t forget it.

You are encouraged to find ways to apply your knowledge and understanding – learning by doing. An example of this could be verbal recitation (explaining concepts in your own words and out loud to someone else). Another example is the preparation of notes and summaries using some of the memory tools that have been promoted at school. It is essential that scored VCE students also practise exam style questions, so they understand the knowledge and key skills required for their end of year assessments.


Health and Wellbeing

Students are encouraged to maintain healthy habits throughout the remainder of Term 2. This includes eating well, having good sleep hygiene and balancing both school and social commitments.


A reminder that if your student is struggling, please reach out to the Year 12 Team who can provide additional support.