Principal's Report

Ms Meg Woolford - Acting Principal 

Thank You

I would like to say thank you for the kind, encouraging and supportive words I have received since the announcement that I will be Principal of Horsham College. I am very humbled by and grateful for the response. I am exceptionally proud and consider it a great honour to be leading the College’s staff, students and community and I am committed to continue to ensure that Horsham College is an exceptional school.


Grade 6 Maths Olympics

Last week we had a number of Grade 6 (and some Grade 5) students participate in Horsham College’s Grade 6 Maths Olympics. As always, it was a fantastic event for all involved. Thank you to the local primary schools for supporting such a great event, and to Heather Deayton & Bonita O’Brien for their leadership in organising this. Thank you also to the Horsham College staff who assisted on the day.


National Reconciliation Week - #NRW2024

The National Reconciliation Week theme for 2024 is Now More Than Ever. The dates for NRW remain the same each year; 27 May to 3 June. These dates commemorate two significant milestones in the reconciliation journey— the successful 1967 referendum, and the High Court Mabo decision, respectively.

Reconciliation must live in the hearts, minds, and actions of all Australians as we move forward, creating a nation strengthened by respectful relationships between the wider Australian community, and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.


We all have a role to play when it comes to reconciliation, and in playing our part we collectively build relationships and communities that value Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, histories, cultures, and futures.