
Kristine Van

Residential Manager

Northwest Tour

Consent2Go emails were sent out yesterday to all Year 11 parents. This email informs parents and students about the tour including what to pack, our itinerary and expectations while on the tour. We are really excited to provide this opportunity as it is important part of your student's education, not only in post school options i.e. cattle, grazing and mining but also in wellbeing, by building resilience and social skills. I look forward to speaking to you all next Monday at 6.30pm at our information session for all Year 11 students and parents.

Cold and Flu season

We are well and truly now in the cold and flu season with reports of the triple threat of Covid, Influenza and RSV (Respiratory syncytial virus) taking up the majority of presentations to GPs at this present time. 


Cunderdin Medical Centre has very limited medical appointments and at present our GP is booked out for two weeks in advance. Should your child not feel well, please keep them home until they are symptom free. This way we can protect other students and staff.  As a Mum myself, I do understand the temptation to ensure our children don't miss any schooling, but we need to balance that with not spreading any illness throughout the dorms. Please don't hesitate to call us with any concerns. 

College Ball

Our Annual College Ball planning is finished, and a big thank you to our Ball Committee who have done an exceptional job. The Parmelia Hilton Ball room will look absolutely beautiful.  A student behaviour contract will go to all students next Monday 10 June and will need to be returned by Wednesday 12 June.

(Please see attached for your information only). 


A Consent2Go invite and permission will go out next week also. Tickets are $120 each and an invoice will be sent to you as your student rsvp's by Monday July 15. Partners tickets can also be paid for at this time.  Please find attached the Guest Agreement Form 

to bring a partner that does not attend WA College of Agriculture, Cunderdin. 

Kristine Van

Residential Manager