Junior School Report

Ms Jessika Cichy 

Message from the

Director of Learning

Junior School

Ms Jessika Cichy

As we head into the colder months, I want to extend my warmest thanks to parents, students, and teachers for supporting the efforts of the Junior School and keeping our learning environments safe, happy, and enriching. 😊


Recap of the Term so Far:

With high expectations as a central theme for the Junior School this year, our leadership team has focused on ensuring every student is in the correct uniform and arrives on time to their Period 1 and 2 classes. We introduced late detentions to foster consistency and encourage students to have meaningful conversations with their coordinators about how we can support them.


Our leadership team also began 'uniform blitzes,' selecting random times to audit student uniforms both to keep students accountable and to identify any gaps we could address in students accessing uniforms. There is a three-strike system for uniform violations, and notifications have been emailed to parents and guardians of students who have received an initial warning. As a result of these processes, we have seen a significant decrease in uniform concerns and lateness across both the Year 7 and 8 cohorts, allowing students and staff to dedicate more time to learning and wellbeing.


Regarding wellbeing, we recently wrapped up our Social Stencil program, which had students learning new ways to connect with others, healthy strategies to manage their anger, and tips on how to repair relationships when they find themselves in a ‘drama triangle’. Students just spent two lessons practicing and performing amazing skits to their peers to show the strategies they’ve learned, and it’s been wonderful to see them using this language in reflective conversations with staff about behaviour and accountability. The next phase in Brain Care is the Resilience Project and we’re super excited to see how our Year 7 & 8s continue to evolve in their wellbeing journey!

Lastly, I wanted to wish a big congratulations to all our Year 7 and 8 semester award winners! Your hard work in class has made your teachers and us incredibly proud. We also commend those who haven’t won an award but have reached their own goals and personal bests. The Junior School staff and I are proud of every student who has given their best this semester, and we cannot wait to see how you all evolve over the next semester and beyond. Our Westall Way award winners across Term 2 had their celebratory pizza lunch last Thursday, and it was awesome to see so many students (about 115!) who have done their best over the term to achieve this. Amazing work by each and every one of you!


Over the Break & Supporting Students:

With the two-week break coming up, we encourage both parents and students to take some time to rest, recover and rejuvenate to ensure that everyone is in the headspace to learn and enjoy their third term at Westall Secondary College. In addition to this, there are many ways you can support your children’s learning throughout the break, which include:

  • Engage in Educational Activities: Encourage students to participate in educational activities such as reading books, visiting museums, or exploring nature. These activities can be both fun and educational.
  • Set and/or Maintain a Routine: Maintain a regular schedule for bedtime and study time, even during the break. This helps children retain a sense of structure and prepares them for the return to school.
  • Review and Reflect: Take time to review the term's work with your child. Discuss what they learned, what they enjoyed, and any areas they found challenging. This reflection can help them understand their progress and set goals for the next term.
  • Encourage Creativity: Allow your child to engage in creative activities such as drawing, writing stories, or playing musical instruments. Creativity can enhance cognitive development and provide a break from traditional learning.
  • Contact Teachers: Reach out to your child's teachers before the break to ask for any extra tips, homework, or support that can help your child stay on track. Teachers can provide valuable resources and guidance tailored to your child's needs.
Term 2 School Assembly
Term 2 School Assembly

If you have any questions about the above, or just generally about your child’s school experience, please feel free to contact myself or the Junior School team. Have a wonderful, safe and restful break! 😊 


Warm regards,

Miss Jessika Cichy

Director of Learning - Junior School

Year 8 English Poetry 😊

The mysterious crow

In the morning’s hush, a crow takes flight,

Its feathers black as the cloak of night. With eyes that gleam, and wings that spread,

It soars above with not a shred.

Of doubt or fear, it knows its way

Through dawn’s first light or dusk’s last ray,

In every caw, a story told

Of mysteries ancient, and tales untold.

On branches high, it perches still,

A silhouette against the hill.

In simple grace, it claims its place,

A symbol of darkness, yet full of grace.

Nathan 8B 

Crow country 

In the land where the crows reside, Underneath the endless sky, so wide. There lies a story, deep and untold, Of the crow country, brave and bold.

A girl named Sadie, young and free, Travels back in time, for all to see. She learns of the past, and of the crow's lore, Unveiling secrets, forevermore.

The crows, they speak, in whispers and cries, Telling tales of the land, under the warm skies. Their feathers ink-black, eyes like a star, Guiding Sadie, from near and far.

In the crow country, where spirits roam, Sadie finds more than just a home. She finds a connection, deep and profound, In the crow country, where truth is found.

Sharmaine 8C