Senior School Report

Ms Helen Ifandis 

Message from the 

Director of  Learning

Senior School 

Ms Helen Ifandis 

As the Semester draws to a close, we are proud to announce that our senior students have successfully completed their VCE coursework in Units 1 and 3. This milestone is a testament to their dedication and hard work, as well as the support provided by our dedicated staff.


Throughout the term, our students engaged in a comprehensive curriculum. Coursework is designed to equip students with knowledge and skills, so that they can become independent learners, and complete tasks with higher order thinking. Students are explicitly taught to think critically and creatively, and to solve complex problems, as well as draw on relevant background knowledge from memory.


In preparation for the VCE years, Year 11 and 12 students have been involved in a range of workshops during their study space periods. 

Students systematically worked through developing a career action plan for 2024. Students made informed decisions about their future careers. Short and long term, smart achievable goals were set, that included their interests, abilities and career related skills. Students researched career options that aligned with their smart goals. They could determine skills required with their desired career – job descriptions and industry requirements. Students could identify gaps, areas for growth, monitor, adjust and update their career action plans, by seeking feedback from mentors, career advisors and peers.


Elevate is an external provider in which Westall Secondary College engages each year to run VCE workshops that are student centred, friendly and highly engaging. Elevate's high impact seminars and workshops assist students to strengthen their study techniques, increase motivation, build confidence, and lift exam performance.


Wellbeing workshops included the following: importance of sleep, benefits of exercise, such as Tai Chi and walking to name a few. Drumming workshops provided by our very own talented music staff, set the tone for mindfulness and wellness.


In preparing for the General Achievement Test (GAT) exam, commencing on the 18th June, students participated in GAT workshops, that equipped the students in the structure and requirements necessary in the successful completion of the test. The GAT is an Australia wide test designed to measure general knowledge and skills in written communication, mathematics, science, technology. humanities, the arts and social sciences. 


The Year 11 students have been extremely busy preparing for their mid semester examinations. The examination period commenced from the 7th of June to the 14th of June. The examinations have been vital in assessing knowledge and skills achieved throughout Unit 1, as well as providing the readiness for VCAA external exams commencing in 2025.

YEAR 12 FORMAL 2024 

Formal will be held at Merrimu Receptions Malvern East on the 20th of September. 

The Formal committee, and Ms Vasilakis are now in the process of organising an amazing evening for our Year 12 Graduates.  The beautiful invite above signifies the incredible night to come! It will definitely be a night of stars! Save the date.


I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Senior team for their dedication, commitment and strive for providing excellence in providing students with high impact teaching and learning.


A big thank you to Ms Vasilakis, Mr Gropel, Mr Roberts, Ms Borgonha, Vicky Karayiannis and Mr Tickner for their commitment and ongoing support in ensuring the effectiveness and daily operations of the Senior school.


Ms Helen Ifandis

Director of Learning - Senior School 

Year 12 Business Management Yakult Excursion     

On Friday, May 31st, Year 12 Business Management students visited the Yakult factory in Dandenong South. Students have been learning about operations management and the activities involved in producing goods and services for customers to meet business objectives. Yakult tour guide Chelsea gave students insight into how Yakult manufactured their probiotic drink, forming the case study of their next assessment. The year 12 students asked excellent questions and enthusiastically sampled the freshly made Yakult.

Year 11 Business Management Market Day 2024 

On behalf of the Year 11 Business Management students, we thank Westall staff and students for your generosity and kindness on Market Day Tuesday 21st of May. Market Day is an inquiry assessment task, where students experience being entrepreneurs planning and starting a business. The entrepreneurs are very grateful to have had beautiful weather and supportive staff and students to help us experience the joy of running a business. The most profitable business was Nightmare Runner, followed by Supercakes. We raised $1030.10, which will be donated to our school.


A BIG thank you to Ms Vicky Karayiannis, Ms Jenny Phillips, Ms Helen Ifandis, Ms Lisa Liu, Ms Lynette Loczy, Ms Lee Read, Ms Anna Papagiannopoulos, Ms Katerina Tetoros, Mr James Garewolfe, Ms Kaylene Jarvis, Ms Marita Ryan Mr Kristian Gropel, Mr Naseer, Mr Hieu Tran, Mr Kevin Phan, Mr Djoli Tugiono, Ms Sandie Baumgartner, Ms Cecilia Yuan and Mr Dung Tran for all your help and support with students’ preparations for Market Day. We would also like to thank all the wonderful staff and students at Westall for all your support!


VCE Art Making and Exhibiting – Media/Materials and Mi Screen Workshops

We had the pleasure in bringing to Westall Secondary College, Dani Scaramuzzino representative from Eckersleys, to run a media, materials and Mi Screen workshop for the VCE art students.


Dani introduced the students to a range of new media and materials that will support the development of their folio ideas.  The students were provided with the opportunity to explore, experiment and trial new media and materials on a range of quality papers.


The most exciting part of the workshop was the incredible RISO Mi Screen machine. This RISO machine produces high end screen printed photographic images. The Mi Screen produces screened images that can be used to develop art works on a range of papers, fabrics, ceramics and plastics.


The photographs below capture the students working with a range of media, materials, tools and equipment.

Ms Helen Ifandis

Director of Learning - Senior School 

Magistrates Court visit

Early in Term 2, the Year 11 Legal students had a fantastic opportunity to visit the Magistrate Court in Melbourne. There they met a Magistrate who talked about his career and the types of cases he has sat in his career. 


Afterwards, the students were allowed to visit many different court rooms and observe many different types of cases: bail applications, intervention orders, theft etc. It was an invaluable experience for those students who are beginning their journey in this area of the Humanities. 

Supreme Court visit

Later in the term, Miss Collins and Miss Rankin went with the Legal studies students to visit the Melbourne Supreme Court. This is the court that sees many serious crimes, such as murder and manslaughter. The case of the Jetstar Pilot and the campers was being held at the time, so there were many curious people lining up to get into the public gallery.  The students were not able to attend any of the cases, but they had the opportunity to look inside a courtroom, talk to a retired Supreme Court judge and visit the beautiful Supreme Court Library where there are many interesting displays such as original documents relating to the trial of Ned Kelly. 

Supreme Court library
Supreme Court library

Ms Sue Stenning

Legal Studies Teacher

Year 11 and 12 Vocational Major Students First Aid Course

Year 11 and 12 Vocational Major students recently participated in First Aid and White Card courses as part of building their repertoire for resumes, job interviews and employment. No doubt their newly acquired skills will hold them in good stead for the future.

Thank you Mr Gary Bottomley for the great photos.