Save the Dates

Term 1


Monday 3rd - Preps First Day of School (finish time at 2:30pm)


Tuesday 4th - Kids Unlimited Chess club begins at lunch time (12:50pm - 1:50pm)


Wednesday 5th - Prep Testing Day - No school for Preps


Wednesday 5th - Meet the Teacher Interviews:

Bookings via Compass 3:50pm - 8:00pm


Thursday 6th - Kids Unlimited Coding Club begins at lunch time (12:50pm - 1:50pm)


Friday 7th - Kids Unlimited Robotics Club begins at lunch time (12:50pm - 1:50pm)


Tuesday 11th - EAL Interviews Meet the Teacher, parents will receive a notice with their interview time & room number.


Tuesday 11th - Toast Tuesdays & Second-Hand Uniform Stall Commences at 8am Before School in the Sports & Performance Centre

We would love some volunteers to help out, if you're interested please use this link to sign up


Wednesday 12th - Prep Testing Day - No school for Preps

Uniform Shop Hours

Tuesdays 8:30am - 10:00am

Wednesdays 3:00pm - 4:00pm

Recurring Dates


Toast Tuesdays & Second Hand Uniform Stall 

Ran by Mr. Silverwood & our GRPS Volunteers: come & visit from 8am in the Sports & Performance Centre. Every Tuesday Morning before School starting in Week 3.

We would love some volunteers to help out, if you're interested please use this link to sign up


Homework Club 

Homework Club is available to our EAL students on Monday after school and is held from 3:30 - 4:30pm in room 


Kids Unlimited Clubs

Starting week 2 - Kids Unlimited will be running Chess Club on a Tuesday, Coding Club on a Thursday & Robotics Club on a Friday. 

The Programs run at lunch time,12:50pm in the Brian Allen Hall.