Welcome Back

Welcome Back Everyone 

Welcome to our new students, families, and staff members.

Start of the Year Reminders 




Assembly takes place in the Sports and Performance Centre commencing at approximately 9:10am. Assemblies will be once a fortnight with the second week being a class meeting. Parents are welcome to attend. 


Assembly will be run by our School Captains and Student Leaders. The next assembly is scheduled for Friday the 14th of February. This will be a presentation assembly for our student leadership positions. Parents of the leaders will be invited to attend the assembly followed by a morning tea after the presentations. 


Parent/Carer Contact Details 

If you have moved house, changed your telephone number or emergency contact details over the school holidays can you please ensure that you have updated this information with our office staff, it is essential that we are able to contact all parents/carers in the case of an emergency


Mobile Phones 

If your child brings a mobile phone to school, please remember to remind your children that they must be handed to their classroom teacher in the morning and collected at the end of the day. All teachers have a safe, where the phones are stored securely each day. Please also note that this policy also applies to APPLE or SMART Watches that have the capability to make or receive phone calls.


Sun Smart

 A reminder to all parents that Term 1 is a Sun Smart term. Protective hats must be always worn outside. If students are not wearing their hats, they will be asked to sit in the shade.


Morning Arrivals 

Please remember, unless your child is attending Team Kids, no students are to enter the school grounds until teachers are on duty at 8:45am, this is to ensure the safety of all our students. At 8:55am students are to head straight to their classrooms, unpack and enjoy chatting to their friends and teachers. Learning commences sharply at 9:00 am. If your child is arriving late to school, you do need to accompany them to the front office to collect a late pass.


Car Parks

For safety reasons, parents are not permitted to park in the school staff car parks to drop off or pick up students. In the morning, the student Drop-off operates in the horseshoe for families to kiss and drop. Please have bags ready to exit the car on the footpath side, assisted by the teachers on duty. Please remain in the car to ensure the flow of the drop off continues. Please resist the temptation to overtake as small children are difficult to see if they embark on the roadside due to additional baby car seats. 

Please have patience with the Drop-off. 


Bikes and Scooters

Riding bikes and scooters to school is encouraged, however as soon as students and parents enter the school grounds they are required to walk with their bikes or scooters, no bikes or scooters are to be ridden in the school grounds for the safety of others. Children may ride their bikes across the oval to the bike shed. 


Animal Friends 

While many of our students love dogs, we also have many students who are not comfortable with them, as such please remember dogs walked into the school grounds must be on a lead and are the friendly variety. 


Wishing all families, a lovely weekend 


Karen Rouda